Chapter Sixty-Seven

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That night we all had a nice time together just having dinner and talking. Kent made reservations at an upscale restaurant downtown and spared no expense. We must've been at the restaurant for at least four hours but we didn't care; we had a reason to celebrate and by all means we were going to celebrate!

The following day was just sort of a chill day. Kendall and Dustin didn't have any interviews planned but they did have plans in the studio.

I called up Alexa and met her and Mac for a little bit of shopping and a quick lunch before I grabbed In-N-Out for the boys and took it to the studio. I stayed with them for the remainder of the day and watched them work.

Occasionally I got to take a listen to the new stuff they had been working so hard on but Kendall insisted on not letting me listen to any of them all the way through. Around 9:30 Dustin ran out and grabbed takeout for dinner and that's about all I remember from the night.

This morning I woke up upstairs tucked in next to Kendall in his bed. I must've passed out on the couch downstairs last night because I sure didn't remember coming to bed.

Today was the day I had to go back home though. As much as I didn't want to I knew I had to but at least this time we could be in our separate states but we would be together in our hearts.

I shrugged the covers off my body and tried to slip out of bed unnoticed but as I swung my legs over the side I felt a pair of arms snake their way around my waist and pull me back down. I rolled over and saw Kendall staring back at me with a smirk on his face.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked playfully.

"To get ready," I said giggling at his playfully demeanor, "I've got a plane to catch in few hours."

"Do you have to go?" he said pouting.

I stuck out my bottom lip mocking him. "Yes" I said as I pecked his lips.

"I don't understand why, there's perfectly good schools here in LA!" he pointed out trying to win this argument.

"I know but I'm almost done! We're almost there. You'll be there in less than 3 weeks to take me to prom and then we're together for a whole week in North Carolina! After that you watch me graduate and then I'm yours for the summer" I told him.

"I like that last part" he said as he moved his eyebrows up and down.

"That's so weird!" I squealed as he attacked me with kisses.

He abruptly stopped and got up out of the bed. "What are you doing?" he asked throwing his hands up.

"You've got a plane to catch" he said mimicking me.

I glared at him as I headed to go take a shower and he just stood there trying not to laugh. Two hours later we had both showered, gotten dressed, and eaten breakfast that Kathy and Kent had kindly made for us.

We were sitting in the living room talking with them, Kenneth, and Kevin when my phone went off reminding me I had a flight.

Kendall looked down when he heard the sound and began to get up. "Well I guess we better get going" he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the couch.

I hugged Kent and the boys goodbye and then made my way over to Kathy. She took both of my hands in hers and looked at me in that sweet, loving, motherly sort of way.

"He's not the only one who's glad you came out here. We missed you sweetie," she choked out, "No running away this time okay?"

"Not now, not ever" I told her as we both chuckled and she pulled me in for a hug.

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