Chapter Four

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Oh. My. God.

Kendall Schmidt just talked to me.

Granted it wasn't a long, heartfelt conversation like I'd always dreamed of, but still; he actually talked to me! And called me blue eyes!!

My eyes are my best feature, if I do say so myself, and that's what people always notice first, but to have Kendall acknowledge them took it to a whole different level.

My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest it was beating so fast and it didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon.

*Kendall's POV*

"Dude there you are!" Dustin yelled. "I thought you were right behind me."

"Well I was but then a girl dropped her phone and I picked it up for her..."

"Oh how swe-wait what's that look on your face?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, it's nothing." I said as I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Ohh no that's not nothing, that's something! That's the 'OMG I just met a cute girl' look. Spill it, now." he demanded.

"Damn, ya got me. The girl who dropped her phone literally made my jaw drop DBelt, not even kidding. And her eyes...oh my god her eyes. They're like the perfect shade of blue and looking into them made my heart all but stop." I explained with a lovey dovey look on my face.

Dustin was quiet for a minute and then said, "Either you've gone gay on me or you've got a thing for this girl."

"I'm sure as hell not gay man so it's gotta be that I've got a thing for her. I didn't even get her name though! I'm such a dumbass" I said as I held my face in my hands.

"Look man, she's gonna be at the show. Find her once we get inside and find a way to talk to her. Maybe she got VIP and will be at the party afterward"

"I hope you're right for once."

"And I'll take that as a compliment" Dustin said while taking a small bow, "Now c'mon we've got a show to put on!"

"And a girl to find.." I quietly said to myself.

*Celine's POV*

My heart had slowed it's beat by the time we got inside, but as soon as I saw Kendall take the stage, it went back to beating like crazy.

It was about halfway through the show when Kendall grabbed his guitar for an acoustic song. While he was getting set up, Dustin started talking.

"Thank you guys so much for coming out tonight. It means the world to us seeing all of you sing along with us!" Dustin said and then Kendall cut him off.

"Now we're gonna do a new song titled Art of Moving On, if you know the words raise your hand!"

My hand shot up like a rocket. I knew that song word for word, it's my favorite one by them!

"Well there blondie why don't you come up and sing it with us!" Dustin said into the mic.

Before I knew it a security guard was escorting me to the stage and got me up there right next to Kendall, whom I'd be sharing the mic with.

Kendall placed his hand over the mic and said "Well hello there blue eyes, told ya I'd see you inside."

All I could do was smile and thank goodness it was kind of dark in there because I know my face turned as red as a tomato.

"Just follow my lead, okay?" Kendall asked, but I didn't respond.

"C'mon, just trust me. I've got you, I'm right here with you." he said, and with that I nodded and he and Dustin began strumming.

*insert Art of Moving On lyrics*

As we finished singing the last note, Kendall covered the mic again.

"That was awesome! Are you gonna be at the VIP party afterward?" he asked.

I shook my head no and replied "I barely got tickets at all so I didn't wanna try my luck with my parents."

"Gotcha, who all came with you?"

"Just me, my niece, and my dad...why?"

"No reason, thanks for singing. I'll see you soon blue eyes" he said with a flirty wink.

When I returned to my seat, I noticed Kendall talking to the security who I had talked to outside and the one that led me up to the stage.

When he finished talking, the two of them came and stood near me, my dad, and Jenna while Kendall and Dustin finished their set.

"Thank you guys for an amazing show! Goodnight Raleigh" they said.

We gathered our stuff, but the security guards stopped us. "Excuse me miss, we need you to come with us please"

I gave my dad the "oh shit" look as he gave me the "what did you do" look. I innocently held my hands up at him and then he turned to the guards.

"Sir, can we ask why?" my dad nervously asked.

"Mr Schmidt asked that you all be at the after party" he calmly explained.

"But we don't have tickets" Jenna said.

"We know," the guard said, "but he asked that we bring her backstage after the concert and to bring her family, too."

Uh oh. I was the her he was talking about...I didn't even do anything!

And with that we followed the guards up the stairs of the club to the upper level. With every step we took, my heartbeat quickened.

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