Chapter Forty-Nine

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|| A/N: So I'm not sure if any of you lovely readers have had a stressful week like me but if you have, here's a chapter to brighten up your day!! (Well kinda...its a sad chapter but I'm posting a day earlier than usual so there's a plus) Another chapter will be up tomorrow, maybe even two! Have a fab day lovelies :) ||

Celine got out of the car before I barely even had enough time to put it in park. Instead of heading toward the house, she went straight for her car. "Where are you going?" I asked worriedly.

"Nowhere. I'll be back soon" she said sourly as she closed the door and backed out of the driveway. Not knowing what else to do I went inside and called the only person that I thought knew Celine better than she or I did.


"Matt, its Kendall. I need your help" I told him.

"Hey man! Glad you made it back okay. What's up?" he asked.

"My band got booked for a gig in two weeks but I fly out to LA the day after tomorrow to try and finish a new song for the show and to start rehearsals. I was planning on telling Celine but she found out this morning at our interview before I even got the chance to tell her. I don't know if she's hurt or mad or what man but she left as soon as we got home. Do you know where she'd be?" I asked frantically.

"I've got a pretty good guess but it'd be better if you let her cool down a little. I'll go see if she's where I think she is and talk to her for you" he offered.

"Thanks man, let me know when you find her." I said before hanging up. I placed my phone on the coffee table and sat down on the couch watching it, hoping she'd call me.

*Matt's POV*

Sure enough as I parked my car by the tennis courts there sat Celine on the first court, looking out into space. This was were she always came when she needed some time the clear her head.

When we thought we'd try and runaway just because in the third grade, we camped out on the courts. When her grandma passed away, nobody but me knew where she was when we couldn't find her for 5 hours. I laughed at the memories as I walked over to her.

"Kinda hard to play tennis without a racket" I observed as I took a seat next to her on the hard, green court.

"Easier to think without one though" she said without looking at me. I nodded in agreement and the two of us sat in silence for a minute.

"Kendall told me what happened," I said finally filling the void, "He was going to tell you but he was waiting for the right time. The interviewer wasn't supposed to say anything about the gig. He wanted you guys to have a few good days together before he broke the news to you."

She just shook her head as I saw a few tears fall and kept looking out toward the trees. "He didn't wait to tell you to try and hurt you, Celine. He loves you too much to do that and you know it. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you" I added.

"Then why does he keep doing it?!" she snapped. "He could say no to a gig just as easily as he could say yes but he doesn't. Since when did a show become more important than me?"

"You know just as well as I do that he can't say no to gigs for Heffron Drive. He and Dustin are trying to make a name for their band and playing shows is how they're going to do it. By putting themselves out there and getting people to notice them and listen to their music. This is something he has to do, Celine" I said.

She sniffed her nose and wiped her eyes before looking at me and responding. "I'm being selfish and stupid aren't I?" she asked.

"Yeah you are" I told her truthfully.

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