Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Five hours later I felt my shoulder being slightly shaken. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the flight attendant. Apparently my flight was over and I was now is LA.

I exited the plane and walked over to grab my duffle bag from the luggage carousel. I grabbed my pink Vera Bradley print bag and slung it over my shoulder as I made my way to the rental car kiosk. I gave the man behind the counter my license and filled out the proper paperwork before he handed over the keys to my temporary 2014 Honda Civic.

As I was walking towards the door I saw a little girl drop her stuffed pony. I bent down to pick it up as her father turned around to see what she was crying about.

"Here you go sweetie" I said as I handed it back to her.

"Thank you, Celine!" she chirped.

She looked to be about 6 or 7 years old so I was taken aback when she knew my name.

"Sweetie that might not be her name" her dad said.

"No it is! That's Kendall's girlfriend daddy!" she argued.

"She's right," I said nodding, "Well about my name. I'm not exactly his girlfriend anymore."

I got an apologetic look from the little girl's father and she piped up again. "Are you going to see Kendall?" she asked excitedly.

"Actually I am! Anything you want me to tell him?" I asked.

"Tell him Amelia says hello! And that my daddy sings Cover Girl to me every night before bed!" she instructed me.

"You got it. Nice to meet you Amelia" I said as I walked off waving goodbye to the father daughter pair.

I walked through the parking lot and found my car for the time being. I dumped my bag in the trunk and climbed in the drivers seat.

I started the car and the engine came to life along with the radio. I clicked my seatbelt as Break Free by Ariana Grande came to a close and a familiar one began.

It took a few seconds before I recognized it. Oddly enough it was Parallel by Heffron Drive. What are the odds, I thought as I backed out of the parking space.

I drove carefully, maneuvering through the busy California highways and going off of my memory trying to remember each turn Kendall had made when we were here for Christmas a few months ago. I was able to drive for about 20 minutes before I came to a dead stop due to traffic.

Since I had time I plugged Kathy and Kent's address into the GPS to see how close I was. Once the map popped up I realized I wasn't that far from their house; I only had to take one exit up the road a little bit and then I'd be within 5 minutes of their house.
Sitting in traffic meant I had plenty of time to think. What the hell was I going to say to Kendall?

Hey Kendall, sorry I was a dumbass and broke your heart, I didn't meant to. Heck no.

Hey Ken, I'm sorry for what I did. Will you take me back? Hell to the no.

"Ughhhh!" I groaned in frustration.

Thankfully the cars began moving and I was able to take my exit. I turned into the Schmidt's neighborhood and scanned the street signs looking for theirs. I finally found it and slowed my speed as I neared their home. I turned on my blinker and slowly turned my car into their driveway.

I came to a stop behind what I'm pretty sure is Kathy's Prius and next to a similar car that either belonged to Kent or one of the boys. I threw it in park and cut the engine, remaining in the car as it grew silent all around me.

This was it, no turning back. I had to go and face him. Whether or not he forgave me I knew I at least had to make the effort and try to mend what had been broken.

I got out of the car, leaving my bag inside just in case things didn't go well. As I dragged myself up the drive I tried again to think of what I was going to say but nothing seemed right. Looks like I was going to wing it.

Before I knew it I was at the front door looking at the festive spring themed wreath that hung on a hook. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves before I knocked on the door. I felt my knees shaking as I waited for someone to answer the door.

I pulled my cardigan tighter around me to try and give myself some sense of comfort and calm myself down. Then I heard footsteps growing closer and closer. The footsteps ceased and the doorknob twisted.

I took another deep breath and tried to keep myself from bolting off the porch and to my car. The solid white door opened wide, revealing a familiar face.

"Hi Ken..."

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