Chapter Sixty-Five

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My eyes fluttered open at 8:30 the following morning at the sound of my phone vibrating on the side table. I clumsily slipped on my glasses and reached for it. I hit the green answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Celine? Why do you sound like you're half asleep?" my mom's voice came through on the other line.

"Maybe because I am? It's only 8:30 here Mom" I chuckled.

"Oh yeah time difference. Whoops! Well how'd it go?" she pried.

I half rolled over and looked at Kendall in bed next to me. He was still asleep and I could see his eyes moving underneath his eyelids as he dreamt.

"Really good" I told her as I smiled cheesily at my sleeping boyfriend.

"Really good as in you guys are okay with being friends? Or really good as in you guys made up and I still have a chance at him being my son-in-law?" she asked.

"The second one" I said laughing. I heard squeals of happiness ring through the phone as she told my aunt.

"How was the make up sex?" I heard my aunt holler.

"Aunt Jen!" I whisper yelled as I quickly got up from the bed and went in the bathroom to talk.

"We didn't have make up sex geez!"

"Damn you should have" she advised. I shook my head laughing at her comments. She really did not have a filter when it came to things like this.

"She's got a point though, its the best kind" my mom said laughing as she came back on the phone.

"Mom! Stop it! We haven't even talked about that!" I scolded her.

"Well we're glad y'all worked everything out sweetie. When will you be home?" she asked.

"I'll be back late Sunday night. Don't wait up for me though it'll be way too late" I informed her.

"Okay sweetie. Have fun and give Kendall a kiss from us! Love you"

"Love you too mama" I said before hanging up.

I laughed a little to myself as I thought about the conversation and went back into the bedroom. I tried to quietly crawl back in bed without waking Kendall up but as soon as I had the covers up over my legs his eyes opened.

"I'm sorry baby," I whispered as I messed with his hair, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Seeing you laying there next to me is the best way to wake up, don't ever apologize for that" he said sweetly as he leaned up and kissed my lips.

"That was my mom wanting know if we'd talked yet" I told him as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his face.

"Oh I know, I heard" he winked as he dropped his hands.

I felt my face instantly get hot and covered it as I began laughing. "Hey," he said laughing even harder, "It's no big deal! I think it's cute!"

"It is not cute, it's embarrassing!" I squealed as I tried to slide further under the covers.

Before I knew it he had lifted me up and had me sitting on his lap, my legs straddling either side of him. "If I wasn't you're boyfriend it'd be embarrassing, but I am so it's not. It's kind of sexy and actually not a bad idea" he said as he moved his eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up" I said as I hit his bare chest.

"I mean we're halfway there" he said as he tugged on the hem of his tshirt I was wearing. I giggled as I leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.

He drew me in closer and deepened our kiss as his hands moved up and down my thighs. I felt like I should stop him but I didn't really want to. I had never done this before and it wouldn't be so bad to have him be my first time.

I came back to reality when Kendall tightened his grip on my waist and flipped us over, placing him on top of me. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip begging for entrance and I let him.

He pulled back a few moments later I assumed to catch his breath. "Are you sure?" he asked as he looked at me longingly.

Just then Dustin came barging in our room unannounced. "Kendall dude we got an interview in...oh did I interrupt something?" he asked as he realized how we were positioned.

"Nah man you're good. What's up?" Kendall asked as he sat up.

"We've got an interview in an hour remember? And we need to leave like now" Dustin said tapping his watch.

"Shit I forgot! Okay we'll be down in a minute" Kendall said as he started to get up.

I stayed laying down watching him as he slipped on his jeans. "You coming?" he asked as he fixed his belt.

"I'm sorry about all that but...not yet" I said quietly.

"Babe its okay," he said as he sat down next to me on the bed, "That's why I asked you. I don't want do anything you're not comfortable with. Whatever you want, I respect it because I love you, got it?"

"Got it" I said smiling.

"Good," he said as he pecked my lips, "Now give me my shirt and get dressed!"

I laughed but did as he said and we were down the stairs in a matter of minutes. We thanked Alexa and Carlos and told everyone goodbye before rushing out the door.

"Shotgun!" I called as I raced Dustin to Kendall's car. Once we were inside and buckled I turned to see a pouting Dustin sitting in the back.

"That wasn't fair" he whined.

"Next time drive your own car and this won't be a problem" I teased.

He rolled his eyes and started laughing as Kendall pulled out onto the road and headed towards some studio. We swung by Kendall's so that he could get his and Dustin's guitars and we made it to the studio with 20 minutes to spare.

"You can hang out and watch from the back lounge if you want" he said as he grabbed his guitar and slung it over his shoulder.

"Okay sounds good. Knock 'em dead" I told him as he kissed me and ran to take his place.

Moments later the screen lit up with the interviewer, Erin, introducing them as they began to play Parallel acoustically. When they finished the song the question-answer portion began. Erin asked them typical questions like what they were working on now, if there was another tour in the works, and finally she asked about relationships.

"So that makes Dustin single and Kendall permanently taken right?" she asked to clarify.

"Permanently?" Kendall asked as he scrunched his brow.

I did the same from where I was watching. What did she mean by permanently?

"There were tons of photos of you and Celine shopping in a jewelry store and in one of the pictures Celine had a ring on!" she informed him.

"Ohh," he said laughing, "that's just a misunderstanding." He then went on and told the story of what had actually happened.

"Sounds like a cover up to me, what about you guys?" she asked the audience. They all agreed with her and Kendall laughed.

"Hold on I can prove it" he said as he sat down his guitar and walked offstage. As soon as he disappeared off the screen he came walking in the lounge.

I giggled as I stood up and took his hand. "Your little joke doesn't seem too funny now huh?" I teased him.

He shook his head and laughed as he pulled me up on stage with him and Dustin. "See look," he said holding up my left hand and showing it off, "No ring!"

We laughed as the people in the audience booed unhappily. "Don't worry, the rate they're going he'll be putting a ring on it sometime soon" Dustin said into his mic.

I felt myself blush as Kendall wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead in front of everyone. I started laughing and I could've sworn I heard him whisper "Hopefully" but I couldn't be sure due to all the commotion in the room.

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