Chapter Sixty-Six

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|| I finished my exams today so I thought why not post a new chapter?! Hope you guys like it and don't forget to comment! ||

After the interview wrapped up Kendall and I went back to the Schmidt's house to hang out for a while along with Dustin. When we got inside Kathy and Kevin were already in the kitchen finishing up their dishes from a late lunch.

"Where'd you two get to last night?" Kevin pried as I hopped up on the counter.

"We were out having a good time" Kendall said moving his eyebrows up and down playfully.

I laughed and lightly punched Kendall's shoulder as he came over and handed me a water bottle. "Yeah right! We ended up staying over at Carlos and Alexa's house" I explained as I raised the bottle to my lips to take a drink.

"They almost had a little fun this morning though," Dustin butted in, "Well at least until I walked in and sort of killed the mood."

Kevin and Kendall laughed alongside Dustin and I just looked at Kathy and shook my head. "You guys are terrible," I said as I jumped down, "I'll be right back."

*Kendall's POV*

"All I'm saying is if my best friend killed my chances of having sex with my insanely gorgeous girlfriend, he'd be dead" Kevin said as he playfully punched Dustin's arm.

"It's not a big deal Kev," I explained, "We talked it over and we're just not there yet. We're waiting."

"That's my baby" my mom said as she pinched my cheek. I laughed and shrugged it off as Celine's phone began ringing on the kitchen counter.

I looked over at the screen and saw an unknown number. "Kev, isn't this an LA number?" I asked showing him the phone.

"I think so, who is it?" he questioned. I shrugged before hitting the answer button.

"Hi I'm looking for a Ms. Celine Bullock. Is she available?" a man asked on the other end.

"Sorry she can't come to the phone right now. This is her boyfriend, anything I can help with?" I offered.

"Tell her to please give Tom Hastings a call at the Office of Admissions here at UCLA please and offer her our congratulations once again" he said.

"I'm sorry, congratulations?" I asked confused.

"Why yes! Not only are we offering her a full ride to attend in the fall but the tennis coach reviewed her film and there's a spot on the team with her name on it if she wishes" he explained excitedly.

Just then Celine rounded the corner and saw me talking on her phone. She mouthed 'Who is that?' but I waved it off.

"Well thank you. I'll be sure to let her know, have a nice day" and with that I hung up the phone. I sat her phone back down on the counter as I tried to wrap my head around the new information I had just received.

"Ken, you okay?" Celine asked as she placed a hand comfortingly on my shoulder. I nodded my head in response.

"Well who was it?" she asked as she reclaimed her seat back up on the counter.

"Tom Hastings" I stated as I turned to face her. She sat there looking at me as if she was confused and didn't know who I was talking about. I looked at my brother, mom, and best friend and they were all listening intently.

"From the Office of Admissions" I said adding another hint. I saw Celine's eyes bug out as she came to the realization of what I was talking about.

"Kendall I was going to tell you...I wasn't trying to hide it...We just got back together and I didn't know how to bring it up" she said rambling.

"Wait hold up, what school?" Dustin asked.

I spoke up before Celine did. "The one and only UCLA" I said as I leaned against the counter.

I noticed Celine sort of shy away as the other three took in the fact that she had applied.

"That's awesome short stack!" Kevin congratulated her. She flashed a quick smile but it faded away just as soon as it came.

"Are you mad?" she asked as she looked at me with those piercing blue eyes.

"Mad?" I asked, "Babe are you crazy?! I knew you had applied but you didn't tell me you got accepted!"

"I didn't want to overwhelm you," she said quietly, "And besides it's not like I can even go. They only gave me a little scholarship money and it barely made a dent in the tuition. Plus, the tennis coach hasn't even gotten back to me about my film I sent in."

I walked over in front of her and lifted her chin up so that she was finally looking me in the eye. "Babe if it's what you want then you can totally go there" I said.

"Kendall it's way too expensive. Even with scholarships I can't make it work" she countered.

"You don't have to worry about the money" I told her.

"Yes I do! And don't even think I'm going to let you offer to help because you're not" she said shaking a finger at me.

"I know I'm not," I said seriously, "UCLA is." She remained silent as I waited before I told her the news.

"Babe, they're giving you a full ride. The coach has seen your film and he wants you on the team. There's a spot for you if you want it" I explained.

"What?" she asked in disbelief.

"Babe, I'm not kidding! You need to call that Tom guy back right now" I said shoving her phone into her hand. She took it and went back into the living room to make the call.

"Dude that's amazing" Dustin said in awe of the news.

"You think she'll take it?" Kevin asked.

"She'd be crazy not to! A few months ago that was all she wanted" I told him.

A few minutes later Celine rounded the corner with tears in her eyes. "Shit, what happened?" I asked suddenly worried that that asshole on the phone had lied to me.

She shook her head side to side and came running into my arms. As I caught her she began laughing through her tears. "I'm going to UCLA" she whispered in my ear.

"Oh thank God" I breathed as I hugged her tight. "Happy tears" I told the guys and my mom. I sweetly kissed her cheek before putting her back down on the ground.

She received congratulatory hugs from Kevin, Dustin, and my mom. I made my way over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me.

"I'm so unbelievably proud of you" I told her sincerely. She giggled before pressing her lips to mine for a quick kiss.

"Thanks for making me apply there" she said. I smirked before kissing her again.

"This is so exciting!" my mom gushed as Celine pulled away from our kiss, "Let's go out and celebrate!"

We all nodded in excited agreement before Mom called Dad and Kenneth to tell them the news and our plans for the night and we all ran to go get ready.

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