Chapter Sixty-Eight

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*3 weeks later*

The last few weeks have flown by. I feel like just yesterday I was out in L.A. but in reality that was almost three weeks ago! But the best part is Kendall will be here in about two hours and I'm so excited to see him! We've been texting, calling, and FaceTiming like we usually do when we're apart but I miss him either way.

Right now I'm upstairs getting ready in my room with Matt's girlfriend Megan and my best friends Ashlyn and Taylor. All of their dates were down in the finished basement of mine and Kendall's house getting ready.

And yes, we are keeping our house in North Carolina, for now at least. When its time for me to go to UCLA then we decided we'd see what to do with it then. And yes, I officially signed with UCLA last week so I will be attending there in the fall!

Everything has been working out for the best so far and its got me all excited to see what my future with Kendall looks like. Even thinking about it makes me all giddy!

"Sit still" Ashlyn ordered as she put the final touches on my makeup. I raised my eyelids to peek at her as she was grabbing the eye liner and stuck my tongue out at her.

"So mature," she picked, "And to think you're graduating in a week!"

"We all are" I giggled as she finished my makeup.

"I can't believe you guys are leaving me!" Megan fake whined.

"Crap that's right! You're with us all the time so I always think you're a senior but you're just a junior" Taylor commented.

"At least Matt is going to college here and not somewhere far away" I said trying to perk Megan up.

"You mean like you?" Ashlyn said nudging me.

"Who's going to make sure you behave out there? We won't be there to keep you in line" Taylor joked.

I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by a voice coming from the doorway. "Oh I'll make sure of that" he said.

I poked my head out from the bathroom to find Kendall standing there and my heart started beating like crazy. "You're here!" I squealed as I ran into his arms.

He welcomed me into a hug with his one free arm, pulling me in close and kissing my head. "As promised and clean shaven might I add," he said rubbing his face up against mine, "And I have presents!"

The girls came filing out of the bathroom just as the other guys came bounding up the stairs. "We heard screaming!" Matt said breathlessly.

"My bad," I said innocently holding up my hands, "Got a little excited!"

They all laughed as they greeted Kendall and then leaned against the wall to catch their breaths.

"Ladies..." Kendall said sweetly as he handed each of my friends a small bouquet of roses and then handed me a slightly larger one.

"I think he's trying to show us up" Matt commented to the other guys.

"More like succeeding" Megan joked back.

"This is sweet but you guys need to get ready!" I said shoving them out the door.

Kendall grabbed my wrists and kissed me harshly. "I love you" he said as he smirked.

"I love you too" I said as I pecked his cheek and turned him around. "Now suit up" I winked as I slapped his butt and sent him downstairs.

An hour and a half later we all had our hair finished and began to put on our dresses. I walked into the walk-in closet and got my dress out of the plastic wrap that Carlos had brought it in when he came to North Carolina for work a few weeks ago.

As I stepped in Megan walked over and helped me zip it up on the side. "Everything okay Meg?" I asked as I looked at her through the mirror.

She fluffed out the bottom of my dress and gulped as she stood up. "Evan's going to be there you know that right?" she said worriedly.

I sighed heavily as I nodded my head. "Matt said he got really mad in the locker room when he mentioned something about Kendall coming into town. I just don't want him to wreck things between you and Kendall" she told me.

"Don't worry, Meg, he won't," I assured her, "Kendall knows about the whole Evan thing and he won't let him try anything."

"Girls! Pictures!" my mom hollered up the stairs. We scrambled to get our shoes before hurrying downstairs.

I grabbed Megan's wrist before we descended the stairs. "Don't worry about that tonight, okay? Just have fun" I said smiling.

Pictures felt like they took forever and then we all went to dinner before arriving at the dance.

I was in the middle of the dance floor with Taylor and Ashlyn when I saw Megan and Matt rush over to Kendall and whisper something in his ear. Kendall immediately put his drink down on the table and walked away from them, leaving Megan looking after him with a look of sheer panic on her face.

"I'll be right back!" I shouted to Taylor over the loud music. I pushed and shoved my way out of the crowd of dancing teenagers and tugged on Matt's sleeve.

"What's going on? Where did Kendall go?" I yelled so he could hear me.

He looked around worriedly before pulling me over to the side farther away from the music so that it'd be easier to talk.

"Evan's here" he stated.

"And?" I asked not sure what the problem was. "We knew him showing up here tonight was a possibility."

"Not only is he here, but he's drunk and looking for you. He cornered Megan and kept asking where you were but she wouldn't tell him. He was squeezing her arm so tight she started crying and I basically had to pry him off of her. I told Kendall and he went to go find him" Matt told me calmly.

"What?! Where are they?" I asked panicking.

"Last I saw, Kendall ran out the side door" he told me. No sooner had the words left his mouth did I bolt in the direction he had said Kendall went.

Matt and I went bursting through the door and into the night, looking all around for any sign of the boys.

"Oh shit" I heard Matt utter. I turned my head to look at him and followed his gaze.

That was when I saw him.

Both of them.

Shoving each other and yelling curse words.

My breath caught in my throat as I saw a fist begin to ball up and start to draw back.

"No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I saw his fist make contact with the others' cheek. I clung to Matt's arm as tears began to stream down my face and he went falling to the ground.

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