Chapter Thirteen

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|| Author's Note: You guys get two chapters today because it's James Maslow's birthday!! I can't believe he's 24 already! Happy birthday handsome!! Enjoy this next chapter guys and don't forget to comment and vote! :) ||


*Kendall's POV*

We've been in the air for a little over four hours and we'll be in LA soon. I can't believe I'm bringing Celine out to meet my family already. Don't get me wrong, I totally want to.

Hell it was my idea, but I'm just a little worried. I know my family will love her, but what if it's too early for her to meet them? What if they scare her off?

My thoughts were interrupted by the older gentleman sitting next to me.

"How long have you been dating young man?" he asked, referring to Celine.

"Uhh a couple weeks" I responded. I was kind of surprised; we've been on this plane for close to five hours and he's just now talking to me.

"Think you love her yet?" he questioned.

"I don't-I'm not sure...I mean I'm definitely crazy about her but isn't it kind of early to know if I love her?" I asked back.

"If you really love her, it's never too early. And by the looks of it, you do."

"What do you mean?" I asked interested.

"My folks were married a long time and you look at her the same way my dad looked at my mom."

I didn't know what to say to that except, "Wow."

"Don't worry, you'll know when you do. It'll confuse you and you'll think you're not ready to tell her, but the moment you start to question the big L word, you're ready for it."

Before I could say anything we were about to land. I turned to wake Celine, but I kept thinking about the advice the man had just given me.

*Celine's POV*

"Oh my God. Kendall, I'm gonna barf. I'm freaking out!"

"Relax babe, it's gonna be fine. You're going to be fine. They're going to love you and I'll be there the whole time." he laughed.

I reached over and hit his arm. "Quit laughing, it's not funny! How am I supposed to make a good first impression when I'm wearing sweats?"

"So am I! You look gorgeous. Besides, those are my sweats" he countered.

"All the more reason why you should let me change!" I begged.

"Too late," he said while putting the car in park, "we're here."

Kendall got out of the car and rushed over to my side to open my door. He reached for my hand and I gladly took it as I looked up at the beautiful house in front of me.

We walked up the driveway and with each step I gripped Kendall's hand tighter and tried to walk even closer to him.

"You're gonna make my hand fall off!" he laughed.

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous. What if they hate me?" I asked, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Relax, they're going to love you. I promise." he said as he kissed my temple.

As we stepped up onto the porch, the door swung open to reveal Kendall's mom.

"There's my baby boy!" she exclaimed as she pulled him into a hug and planted kisses on his cheek.

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