Chapter Thirty-Nine

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|| A/N: Thinking about doing 2 chapters today...Yes or no?! ||

My phone began playing music at 4:30 the next morning. I jolted awake as my ringtone played Beat of the Music by Brett Eldredge extremely loud.

I tried to focus my eyes on the bright screen in my pitch black room but I didn't recognize the number. I silenced the call and shoved it back under my pillow.

As I was dozing off, it rang again. Once again, I looked at the caller ID but it was a number I wasn't familiar with so I silenced the call.

This process kept going for fifteen minutes. Finally on the ninth ring I answered.

"Look I don't know who the hell you are but it's 4:30 in the frickin morning!" I said angrily into the phone.

"I know but I couldn't wait to talk to you" Kendall's sweet voice came through the receiver.

Shit, now I felt bad for yelling. "Kendall! Oh my god! I'm sorry Ken, I didn't know it was you. Why didn't you call from your phone?" I asked.

"It died on the plane. We literally just landed and I ran for the phones. I needed to talk to my girl" he explained.

I could almost hear the smile in his voice, making me smile like an idiot. "I needed to talk to you too" I said softly.

"I hate that I can't talk long but as soon as I get my phone charged up I'll text or call you okay?" he said.

"Sounds good! I miss you" "I miss you too, a lot. But I love you baby. I'll talk to you soon" he said sweetly.

"I love you too, bye!" I responded before hitting the end call button. I placed my phone on the bedside table and laid back down.

I laid there just staring at the ceiling but I felt better than I had before. It's crazy how just a simple conversation like that with him makes me feel so much better. Although, physically having him here would be a hell of a lot better, the phone calls will have to do for now.

I rolled over on to my side and tried to fall back asleep, especially since it was 5 o'clock on a Saturday morning. Sleep seemed to come easier this time as I replayed my recent conversation with Kendall and imagined what he was doing in a totally different part of the world.

*a few hours later*

I woke up feeling a hell of a lot better than I had yesterday. I pranced my way down the hall and into the living room where the rest of my family was hanging out.

"Morning guys!" I said happily. My mom and aunt exchanged glances before looking at me oddly. I ignored them and jumped on the couch next to Landon. "Let's go do something today!" I suggested.

Landon reached over and slapped the back of his hand down on my forehead. "Ouch! What's that for?"

"I'm trying to see if you have a fever," he laughed, "I thought you'd still be all mopey."

I shoved his hand off my face as I laughed. "No I'm better now. Kendall called super early to tell me they had landed in South America and that he'd call later today." I explained.

"Yay! Cece's back!" June exclaimed and he ran and jumped in my lap. I laughed as I wrapped him in a big hug. "That's right bug! Cece's back!"

"How about we just have like a family day?" Landon suggested.

"Yeah! We could do makeovers, play games, and watch movies!" Jenna chimed in.

"And go out to dinner tonight!" Calli added.

"Sounds like a perfect plan" my mom said smiling. "Aunt Jen and I are going make breakfast. We'll yell when it's ready" she said as she and my aunt made their way into the kitchen.

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