Chapter Fifty-Two

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By now two weeks have gone by. Two full weeks of not texting, calling, or video-chatting Kendall at all. Although that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about him. With each day that passes it gets easier, but I guess that's because I had hit rock bottom and the only place I could go was up.

The day after Kendall left and I went back home I stayed in my room, unwilling to talk to anyone about what had gone on. The following day I decided to be social and begin discovering who I truly was.

My aunt had relayed the events that occurred in detail to my parents, uncle, and nieces and nephews. I got several "Aww I'm sorry" and "You'll be alright" remarks from them but I ignored them. That first day was rough but the next day was even worse.

I distinctly remember coming home from school and hearing music coming from Jenna's room. It was a song I was familiar with but I couldn't quite remember the name of it. I hummed along as I made a snack in the kitchen.

Then as I passed by Jenna's room on the way to mine it clicked. She was listening to "No Idea" by Big Time Rush. As I came to that realization I felt my heart shatter into a thousand tiny pieces once more. I threw open her door.

"Turn it off!" I demanded with tears running down my face.

She was stunned at my sudden appearance but did as I had asked. I ran into my room and sat down on my bed.

A damn song shouldn't make me miss him this much, I thought. It shouldn't make me feel this much regret.

I took my time regaining my composure before going back out to face my niece. When I walked into the kitchen I only found my aunt and my mom.

"Guys where's JT?" I asked looking around.

"She's with John at the grocery store, why?" my aunt told me.

"I...uh...I wanted to apologize. I kind of snapped at her earlier..." I said trailing off.

"We know, she told us" my mom said.

"I didnt mean to I just-"

"We know sweetie. It's still a fresh wound to hear him singing or to even talk about him. Jenna understands too so don't worry about it" my aunt said nicely.

After that little incident things got better. I threw myself into tennis even more so than before. In fact, because I was so focused and on my game I was being looked at by multiple colleges for scholarships.

I was on top of all my schoolwork and had brought my class rank up to number 5 out of 312 seniors. The best part, graduation is only 2 months away. There's no doubt that some things had changed just within the past two weeks. And they were things people noticed and commented on.

I was proud of my accomplishments so far and felt like I really had a grasp on my future. There was still one thing holding me back though and I didn't know what it was.

Today was Saturday and for once I had no homework over the weekend so I was taking advantage of it! My aunt and I were out to lunch when I remembered something.

"Oh my God!" I said out of nowhere.

"What?" she asked me urgently.

"They play SXSW today..." I said, my excitement fading.

"Aww sweetie," my aunt said placing her hand on top of mine, "I thought you were doing better about not thinking about you-know-who?"

I laughed at her comment. "Aunt Jen, he has a name. Kendall. I am doing better about not thinking about Kendall all the time but today was supposed to be a big day. It still is a big day just not one I get to be part of..." I said trailing off.

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