Chapter Nine

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This morning when I woke up I was confused again at first, until all the memories from the previous night came flooding back.

As I relived those moments from the night before, a smile formed on my face. I still couldn't believe that I became Kendall Schmidt's girlfriend last night; it felt so weird to say that.

Kendall let out a deep sigh and as I lifted my head from his chest, I saw that he was waking up. I could get used to this, I thought.

He smiled his little crooked smile and made his lips meet mine; there were the sparks again. As we pulled apart I laughed, "Well good morning to you too."

He smiled and ran his hand through my hair, "I still can't believe you said yes..."

"Well believe it bub, looks like you're stuck with me!"

"I'd rather be stuck with you than have to be without you." I pulled myself closer to him and breathed in his scent. I'd give anything to stay like this forever but we had a plane to catch.

"We'd better get going huh?" he asked.

"Yeah I guess so. Ready to meet my parents?!"

"I already met them babe"

My heart skipped a beat when he called me babe; I could definitely get used to this.

"You met them as a guy wanting to take me out on a date, now you get to meet them as my boyfriend"

"How do you think they'll take it?"

I stood up from the couch and held out my hand, "Only one way to find out, let's go."

*after the 2 hour flight*

As soon as Kendall and I got into the rental car I pulled out my phone and dialed my mom.

"Hey mom! We're about 30 minutes out, are you and dad home?"

"Actually we're over at John and Jennifer's, can Kendall bring you here?"

"Yeah sure! We'll be there soon...and I've got a surprise for you!"

"Can't wait to see it and you!"

"Bye mom." As I hung up my phone, I turned and looked out the window.

What if my parents didn't like the idea of Kendall and I dating, I thought. What if they thought it was just a crazy fling between us?

Kendall must've sensed something was wrong because he grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"Hey, it'll be alright. I promise." I gave him a weak smile but remained quiet. "I fought to go out on a date with you so I'll sure as hell fight to keep you."

That was all the reassurance I needed, at least that's what I thought.

About 30 minutes later, we came to a stop in my aunt and uncle's driveway.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked, my voice and hands shaking.

"Absolutely...just don't let go" Kendall said while taking hold of my hand.

As we walked up the driveway I quickly briefed him on my family.

"Now my dad, grandpa, and uncle will act all tough but they're harmless, I swear. My nephews are the same way. The youngest one will try to intimidate you but he's only 6 so you've got nothing to worry about. My mom and aunt will most likely take my side as soon as I tell them so if anything happens, they'll be able to step in and help out. I hope."

"Relax babe, it'll all work out." With that, I twisted the doorknob and walked in.

"CECE!" "Cece's here!" I heard my nieces and nephews scream.

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