Chapter Five

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"Feel free to take a seat. Mr Schmidt and Mr Belt should be out shortly."

"Wait," Jenna started, "I thought he wanted us at the party?"

"To be truthful, the 'party' isn't a party. The guys are only taking pictures with the fans and then leaving soon after. Everyone else is welcome to stay for refreshments." the guards explained.

"Sir, it was nice of you all to do this but we really don't have that long" my dad said.

"I understand, but photos with a crowd this size only take about 10 minutes. Make yourselves comfortable and we'll be back soon."

With that the security guards went inside to the 'party' room, leaving us sitting on two of the club's couches.

"C'mon dad! We can wait 10 minutes and see what they want then we can leave." I begged.

"I don't kno-"

"Dad, Kendall asked for me personally to come backstage. Maybe he wants to propose to me already!! Give me a chance dad, that's all I'm asking. Please?"

"I doubt you'll be getting a proposal but we'll stay. 30 minutes tops, got it?"


*10 minutes later*

Like most teenagers, Jenna and I passed the time by playing games on our phones. We were so interested in our games that we didn't even notice the people approaching us until they spoke up.

"I'm so sorry for the wait you guys" said a voice.

I knew that voice. It was a voice I was extremely familiar with, a voice that made my heart melt when he sang. That voice belonged to the one and only Kendall Schmidt.

Mine and Jenna's heads shot up and our jaws dropped; we were speechless. Thank goodness my dad stepped in and took over for us.

"It's not a problem Mr...?"

"Please, call me Kendall. And this is my best friend, Dustin"

"No worries Kendall. I'm John" my dad calmly responded while shaking both Kendall and Dustin's hand.

"Nice to meet you, sir." they both politely responded.

Next was Jenna's turn to speak. "Not trying to sound rude or anything, but why did you ask for us to come back here?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure" Dustin responded while he nervously scratched the back of his neck and looked at Kendall.

"I was really impressed with your singing. I actually wanted to talk to you if that's okay?" Kendall cautiously asked while looking in my direction.

I glanced over at my dad and he nodded his head as if saying it was okay.

"Umm yeah, sure" I responded.

"Great! You can follow me. We won't be long, sir, I promise" Kendall assured my dad.

With that Kendall held his hand out and I took it, giving Jenna a little smirk as I did so. We walked away from my dad and Jenna as they began talking to Dustin about the show and made our way into another one of the night club's room and took a seat on the couch.

"So what'd you think of the show?" Kendall asked.

"I loved every second of it! You're voice is amazing and getting to stare at you for an hour wasn't too bad either" I blurted out.

Kendall's eyes widened and he let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh my god! I didn't mean it like that, I swear I'm not a creep really!" I quickly tried to cover.

"It's not a big deal, it's kind of cute actually" he winked. Damn him and those winking green eyes; they made my heart melt.

"Well since you've been blatantly honest with me, can I do the same?" he asked.

"Of course! It can't be any worse than what I did" I nervously laughed.

"Okay, it all started when I saw you outside. You literally took my breath away and you were all I could think about while I was waiting to take the stage," he began, "then when I got inside I scanned the crowd until I found you. Please don't think I'm a creep but every show, I try and find somewhere to look at when I get nervous or don't know where to look in the crowd. My spot this time...was you. I don't know what it was, but you made me feel comfortable up there when I looked at you. And then when you shot your hand up to sing, I knew I had to bring you up there. Singing with you felt right, like that's what I should be doing all the time. I know I just met you, but there's just something about you that's driving me crazy." he said with that adorable crooked smile.

I just sat there trying to take in all that Kendall had just said to me.

"Too much?" he asked as he crinkled his nose.

"Not at all...that's the sweetest thing I think anyone has ever said to me" I responded.

"Whew! I thought you were about to take off running there for a second blue eyes." We both laughed at his comment.

"Ya know, I like the nickname 'blue eyes' but I'd really like to know your name" Kendall said.

I looked into those electrifying green eyes of his and softly said "Celine."

"A pretty name for a pretty girl."

"Why thank you" I said in a funny English accent.

Kendall laughed at my terrible accent and then stared at me for a moment.

"Uh oh, please tell me I don't have something on my face?"

"No, not at're perfect" Kendall responded. Damn, there he goes again with the sweetness!

"Will you tell me something about yourself, Celine?"

"Sure! What do you wanna know?"


And that began a 30 minute conversation between the two of us covering everything from the show, to our middle names, to our biggest fears.

"Okay, okay," Kendall said while trying to suppress a laugh, "one last question."

"Okay, shoot!"

"Celine Ruth, will you go out on a date with me?"

This boy has made my heart stop more times tonight than ever before. And I don't think he's done quite yet...oh boy.

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