Chapter Thirty-Two

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As I began to wake up I heard the sound of little voices giggling. My eyes finally focused themselves on two small bodies at the opposite end of the couch. I gently got up from laying on Kendall to get a better view.

"What are you two doing?!" I whisper yelled at June and Calli.

"Making James pretty!" June said matter of factly.

"He's going to kill you! Stop it!" I said, trying to convince them.

"Hey good job guys!" Logan whispered as he came around the corner of the basement.

"You knew they were doing this?!" I asked him.

"Duh! Who do you think got your makeup out of the top cabinet?" he asked laughing.

I felt Kendall shift behind me and then wrap his arms around my middle section and kiss my neck.

"Morning handsome" I said making his lips meet mine. He caught a glimpse of June and Calli and instantly started laughing.

"I knew I liked those kids!" he said laughing.

"Don't encourage them!" I said playfully slapping his arm.

"This is too damn good" Kendall said as he grabbed his phone from the couch and got up. "Wake him up on three" he instructed Logan.

"You two better sit over here" I said as I pulled June and Calli on my lap.

Kendall slowly counted down and Logan woke James up as planned. Logan tried to contain his laughter as he led a sleepy James over to the hall mirror while Kendall filmed.

When James saw his reflection he was shocked and then immediately turned to June and Calli. "You've got five seconds" he warned.

They turned their heads and looked at me and Kendall. "RUN!" we exclaimed in unison.

The two of them took off with James following close behind them just before Kendall turned off the camera. The three of us busted out laughing as James came back down the stairs with a wet washcloth in hand, wiping off all the makeup.

"They're cute kids but why me?" James joked.

"Come here whiny butt," I said gesturing to him, "You've still got eyeliner on." Kendall and Logan almost fell over laughing as I wiped the liner off of James' eyelids and as James gave them the finger.

"All done" I said tossing the washcloth back at James.

"It's okay," Logan said patting James' back, "You're still beautiful."

"Yeah we know, James is beautiful and Logan's a smart asshole. Can we eat now?" Kendall complained.

As if on cue my aunt yelled from upstairs announcing that breakfast was ready. We ran upstairs and joined everyone else at the table as we all began to scarf down our breakfast.

Everyone was able to clean up and put everything away before June asked about sledding and snowman building.

Kendall glanced out the window before answering. "It still looks pretty deep so I don't see why not!"

The kids, along with James and Logan, all squealed in excitement as they ran upstairs to get ready. Seeing as none of the kids had any snow clothes, Kendall and I dressed them in some of ours.

Within twenty minutes we were all ready and out in the backyard. We all raced to the top of the small hill in our backyard and took turns sliding back down it.

After countless trips down and numerous close calls with the trees, we took a break and had a snowman building contest: little kids versus big kids.

The adults came out to judge once we were finished and the little kids ended up winning. Since Logan and James lost alongside Kendall and I they began to pout but instantly got happier when my mom and aunt announced that there was hot chocolate in the kitchen.

We all got changed back into our warm pajamas and circled around the fireplace with our mugs of hot chocolate in hand.

We ended up making homemade pizza for dinner and as we sat in the living room eating the doorbell rang.

"Be right back" Kendall said as he got up and headed for the door.

Moments later he rounded the corner with a toothy grin on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him showing him I was confused.

"We've got a visitor" he said stepping off to the side to reveal Carlos.

"Oh my gosh! Carlos!" I exclaimed running up and hugging him. I was soon joined by James and Logan as they greeted their friend.

"We thought you weren't coming down until next week man" James said.

"Lex got called up to Canada early so I came on out" Carlos explained.

"Well we're glad to have you!" I said giving him a squeeze. Kendall and I introduced him to everyone before my aunt and uncle stood up to leave.

"I'm not so sure about that," Carlos warned, "The roads are still pretty icy. I barely got a cab driver willing to bring me here."

"Does that mean another sleepover?!" Jenna asked excitedly.

"I don't think-" my uncle started.

"Wait you guys had a sleepover? Without ME?" Carlos asked acting hurt.

"Looks like we'll have to have another one with Carlos this time" James said winking at Kendall and I.

"Fine by me" Kendall said smiling at the kids' excited faces.

After Carlos ate, the guys and I took the kids back downstairs for a movie while the adults cleaned up and went to bed. Everyone went back to their original places from the night before but this time Carlos and James were on the air mattress.

As Kendall and I got comfortable June came up to me making the most pitiful puppy dog eyes ever.

"Can I sleep with you Cece?" he asked in his quiet little voice.

I smiled at him as Kendall pulled back the comforter, letting June climb up and get situated half on my lap and half on Kendall's.

"Goodnight Cece" he said as he gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

"Night Junebug" I said returning the kiss.

Kendall chuckled and I looked up at him. "Goodnight Cece," Kendall said mimicking June, "I love you."

I smiled as he planted a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you too" I said. I snuggled up closer to Kendall and pulled June close and I slowly began to fall asleep.

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