Chapter Sixty-Nine

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I stood there clutching Matt's arm as tears pooled in my eyes. It all happened so fast. One second they were yelling and pushing. The next one of them was lying unconscious on the ground with the other hovering over him.

"Kendall" I managed to choke out. My voice was barely above a whisper yet somehow he heard it.

He looked away from Evan and turned his full attention on me. "Baby I'm so sorry" he apologized.

I let go of Matt and quickly rushed over to him, slipping my arms around his torso as I neared him. "Oh my god," I mumbled into his chest, "What happened?"

"I don't...I don't really know" he stuttered. I lifted my head to look at him. He had a few scrapes here and there and his lip was bleeding slightly.

"Let's get you home huh?" I asked as I caressed his cheek.

"But what about your prom?" he asked looking back toward the building.

"It was just as overrated as I thought it would be," I said chuckling, "C'mon lets go." I kept one arm around his waist as we walked slowly to the car. Matt walked with us and helped gingerly slide Kendall into the passenger seat.

"A lot of people saw what went down," Matt said as we stood at the back of the car, "Megan even said a few people called the cops and a medic for Evan."

"I need to get him home and figure out what really happened. If the cops show and need to talk to him, just bring them there okay?" I said.

"You got it. We'll stop by later either way" he said as he gave me a parting hug.

I got in the drivers side and started the car. As I clicked my seatbelt I turned to look at Kendall. He was staring aimlessly out the window but I could see tears sliding down his cheek. I let him be as I began our drive home.

Once we were home we both went and changed into more comfortable clothing. I was upstairs zipping up my dress in its protective cover while Kendall retrieved his clothes from the basement.

After I had changed I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I reached in the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water before going into the living room where Kendall had sat down on the couch.

I held out the water for him to take but he shook his head declining it. I instead put the water on the coffee table and sat next to him criss cross on the couch. "Are you going to tell me or not?" I asked seemingly more sassy than I had intended.

"He was wasted. You could smell the alcohol on him 10 feet away. All he kept saying was 'Where's Celine? Where's my girl?' and he had this crazed look in his eye" he said beginning to describe what happened.

"I told him to just calm down and leave quietly but then he started yelling. He said all this shit about how you never loved me at all. How you were using me to make him jealous and how he was the one for you. Then I told him to fuck off and he yelled more. He started saying how he was going to get you to be his eventually or no one's at all and...and I can't let that happen. If I ever let anything happen to you I'd never forgive myself. And he just kept yelling so I hit him" he explained.

By now the tears had begun to fall from his eyes again. I lovingly grasped his hand and pulled him close to me so that his head was resting on my chest. I'd never seen him upset like this. I held him tightly and ran my fingers through his hair as he continued to cry for a few minutes.

"So you hit him because of what he said?" I asked once he had calmed down.

"More like because of what he was implying," he said sitting up, "I can't let anyone take you from me. You're the best thing that's happened to me and I can't lose you. I already did once because I was stupid and I can't let it happen for good because of that asshole."

I opened my mouth to speak but there was a knock on the door. We both turned our heads at the sound but I got up to get it.

Just before I reached the door it opened. Matt and Megan were in front followed by two officers, one of which had Evan in tow.

"Are you guys okay?" Megan asked worriedly as she rushed over to give me a hug.

"We're fine," I said hugging her back, "I'm guessing you all need Kendall?"

"Yes ma'am," the officer spoke, "There were people who witnessed it but we need to hear his side of the story to make sure it matches up."

"He's in the living room" I said pointing my thumb over my shoulder.

I folded my arms and glared at Evan. The whole left side of his face was beginning to bruise from where Kendall hit him.

"He'd like a word with you" the other officer spoke up.

"Fine but he can say it right here. I'm not going anywhere alone with him" I said as I folded my arms and stood my ground.

"Why him? Was I not good enough?" Evan asked with a painful look in his eyes.

"Evan, we were friends before Kendall and I ever became a thing and I didn't think you were a bad guy. Even after our one date I still didn't think you were terrible, but after this I'm not so sure. How dare you go and fill his head with those lies? You know how much I love him. Hell that's the main reason why we never had a second date!" I said my voice rising as I spoke.

"I just wanted to catch your attention for once! That's what every guy wants to do. They want to catch the attention of the girl who's out of their league, the one they've always dreamed of and have her love him. But you wouldn't look my way for a damn second!" he yelled.

"Because I already had all that! I had the guy who was perfect for me already in my life and I didn't need someone like you to mess it up!"

Just then the other officer came walking in with Kendall. "His story checks out. Looks like that one won't be bothering you anymore ma'am" he said as he pointed to Evan.

"Thanks for everything and sorry again" Kendall said as he shook their hands and began to show them the door.

"Wait," I said just as they were about to walk out, "Evan, one day that's gonna happen for you. Just like it did for me. One day you'll find that person who's out of your league and they'll make your dream of finding love come true..."

"But that someone won't ever be you will it?" he asked sheepishly.

I shook my head as Kendall wrapped his arms around me. "No. As much as you may want it to be, it will never ever be me," I said flatly and then looking at Kendall, "I've already found the one who's out of my league."

Kendall laughed for the first time since we'd gotten home and kissed my temple. Matt led the officers and Evan out before rejoining us and Megan in the den.

"I think that's enough excitement for one night" Megan said as she leaned into Matthew.

"Agreed" the remaining three of us said.

"All the beds have sheets on them upstairs so take your pick" I told Matt and Megan as we climbed the carpeted stairs. We said goodnight at the top before going into our rooms.

I pulled back the covers as Kendall slipped off his tshirt and climbed into bed. "Everything good now?" I asked as I ruffled his hair.

He nodded. "It'll be better once you're in LA though" he said smirking as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Just a couple more weeks" I reminded him. "Remember one thing for me..."

"What would that be?" he asked.

"I'm incredibly lucky to be a part of your life and I'd never willingly change that. The last thing you ever have to worry about is losing me to some other guy okay? I love you" I said as I kissed his lips sweetly.

I laid down and felt him pull me close to his body as he kissed the top of my head. His grip on me was tighter, more protective than it usually was but either way we both began to drift off after our eventful prom night.

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