Chapter Forty-Seven

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When I woke up I was alone on the couch. I looked around the living room seeing no sign of Kendall anywhere. Then I searched the rest of the main floor with no luck. I opened the door to the basement to find it still dark, indicating he wasn't down there either.

That's odd, I thought, he was right there when I fell asleep. Heck, my legs were on his lap how could I not feel him get up?

I turned off the TV and made my way upstairs and into our room. All of the lights were off except the light on our balcony and I could hear the faint sound of a guitar coming from outside.

I quietly opened the door a little bit more and found Kendall sitting on the railing, strumming his guitar and singing softly.

"Everything I wanna say about you is more than enough to write a novel" he sang. He continued strumming and hummed along before he picked back up with words.

"I'd throw a rope around the moon whatever it takes to be with you." He hummed a little bit more before stopping completely and writing something down in his song book.

"Sounds good babe" I finally spoke up.

His head jerked up and a smile came across his face. "I didn't hear you come up," he said as he walked my way with his book and guitar in hand, "It's just something Dustin and I worked on a little bit on the flight."

"Well I like it. I think you should try and finish that one" I told him as I sat down on the bed.

"I just might do that" he said as he moved in close and pecked my nose. "Any plans for tomorrow?" I asked as we crawled under the covers.

Kendall shook his head. "Not really. I've got to get up with Mike about some stuff; he mentioned us going for an interview the day after tomorrow so I'll get the details about that. Other than that I'm all yours" he winked.

I slid in closer to him and kissed his soft, pink lips. "Perfect."

He wrapped his strong arms around me and held me close as we fell asleep. The only thing I could think of was how good it felt to finally fall asleep next to him after being apart for so long.

*Kendall's POV*

The next morning I was up earlier than normal, probably due to the fact that I'm still used to the time difference. Regardless, I knew Mike would be up so I went ahead downstairs and dialed his number.

"Mike, its Kendall" I said when I heard the line pick up on his end.

"Hey man, glad you're back in the states! How do you feel about that interview tomorrow?" he asked, getting right to the point.

"Yeah I'm up for it if they want me" I told him.

"Great! And they want Celine to come too."

"Yeah no problem, but Mike? Can I ask a favor?"

"What's up kid?" he asked concerned.

"Is there anyway you can keep them from asking about SXSW? I haven't broken the news to Celine yet and I want to be the one to tell her." I held my breath as I waited for him to respond.

"I can tell them, but you know how they are. If they hear about a new gig, they'll want the specifics. Maybe we shouldn't say anything seeing as it hasn't been formally announced. They shouldn't have heard about it yet anyway" he told me.

I heard Celine moving upstairs so I tried to wrap it up. "That works. We'll see you tomorrow in Raleigh. Thanks Mike" I said before hanging up.

"Get everything set?" Celine asked as she descended the stairs.

"Mhm, same studio you went to at 11 o'clock tomorrow" I told her, relaying the information.

"Cool! So what's the deal for today?" she asked as she perched on the back of the couch.

I sat there acting like I was thinking as I sneakily put my arm around her waist. In one swift movement I yanked her down onto my lap and showered her with small kisses all over her face. "Kendall!" she squealed through fits of laughter.

"Yes?" I asked as if I was oblivious. I looked at her laying on the couch; her hair fanning out on the cushions and her face slightly red from her laughter.

I leaned over her and kissed her gently. "I love you" I told her as I looked her in the eye.

"Ditto" she said before making our lips meet once again.

I broke our kiss when I heard her phone ringing. I grabbed it before she could and answered it.

"Hello?...Yeah no we don't have plans...That's fine, bring him on by...See you soon"

"Who was that?" she asked me curiously.

"Jennifer. She wanted to know if we could watch June today while she runs errands and takes Jenna to the doctor" I told her.

It was 10 o'clock now which meant they'd be here a little before 10:30. We raced upstairs and changed out of our pajamas into similarly comfy clothes and made it back downstairs as June came running in.

"Kendall!" he yelled as he ran full on into my arms.

"Hey big man! Long time no see" I said chuckling.

"Look!" he said as he showed me his missing two front teeth.

"Wow! You know what that means? Ice cream for breakfast!" I said excitedly. I heard Celine clear her throat as she looked on disapprovingly.

"We'll get you some when Cece isn't looking" I whispered in his ear before putting him down.

Jennifer left shortly after and we got straight to our fun-day activities. We had a nerf war, watched both How to Train Your Dragon movies, played with Legos, and I tried helping him "learn" guitar. June even helped me make a special dinner for the three of us: my famous spaghetti and meatballs.

After dinner he stood next to Celine on a stool, helping her wash dishes. Watching them made me think about what it would be like years down the road if Celine and I ever did get married and start a family together.

The idea of that coming to fruition and picturing little Celines and Kendalls running around made my heart beat like crazy. And I loved it.

A little while after dinner Jennifer came back and got June and Celine and I headed for bed. "Thanks for offering to watch him today" Celine said as she traced circles on my chest.

"I'd do anything for you baby" I said sincerely. She puckered her lips and looked up at me from her laying position on the bed. I obliged and kissed her goodnight.

"I love you" she said sweetly before getting comfy. I laid my head on hers, taking in her delicate scent.

Today had been perfect; I got to spend my entire day with the girl I loved and a little boy that had become a big part of my life because of the girl I loved.

It was just the three of us all day long, doing what we pleased. No work to worry about, no songs to write and produce, no tour to worry about, no time to even think about bringing up the fact that I have to leave in 3 days.

Now that things had slowed down and I was still here holding Celine, that's all that filled my mind. I've got to tell her, but I don't want to ruin our last few days together before our world is turned upside down again.

Celine shifted next to me, moving closer and taking a deep breath. I couldn't ruin us. I loved her too much to keep hurting her, even though I had no choice. And I hope she knows that.

"You have no idea how much I love you" I told her as I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes.

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