Chapter Twenty-Three

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When I rolled over and looked at the clock it read 10:30. Damn, we slept in really late. We had a late night last night though so I guess it was okay.

As I laid in bed, my mind kept replaying the events of the night before.


"I love you, Celine."

Those were the words I had been waiting to hear and waiting to say myself, he had just beat me to it. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I loved him back. I kissed him and as I pulled away I looked at him and said "I love you too, Kendall."

We danced until Baby Blue Eyes stopped playing and went back to our seats near my parents and aunt and uncle. As I sat down my aunt kept looking at me and smiling.

"Can you not?" I asked jokingly.

"That was all you needed wasn't it? You needed him to say it first, like a little push." she asked.

"I guess so," I said looking over at Kendall talking to my dad, "I think I was going to tell him either way, he just beat me to it." She placed her hand on top of mine and looked at me lovingly.

"Just be careful with him okay? You're too sweet to have your heart broken and so is he. You two are good for each other. I know things will get tough like in every relationship but yours may be worse. Promise yourself you won't let him go because of something silly. Never forget how you felt when you first said 'I love you,' that'll be the feeling you need to remember when things get rough." she advised.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on letting him go. Ever." I said and I meant it too. Then my dad came over to me and hugged me.

"I guess you're not my little girl anymore huh?" he asked quietly.

I looked up at him, "Kendall told you?" He nodded his head confirming my accusation. "Daddy I'll always be your little girl, I promise. You just have to share me a little now" I assured him.

"I'd rather share with him than any other guy out there," he responded, "You picked a good one, don't let him go."

Kendall walked over and slipped his arm around me, pulling me close. I leaned into him and wrapped my arms around him as the DJ called all the women to the dance floor to catch the bouquet.

I reluctantly let go of Kendall and made my way to the middle of the dance floor amongst the other women. As luck would have it, I was the one who caught it. The flowers landed in my hands without me really even trying and I shot Kendall a look. His eyes got big and he laughed alongside my dad.

I walked back over and joined them, Kendall kissing my cheek as he wrapped his arm around me. "Looks like you're next" he winked.

"Or maybe we're next" I said emphasizing the word 'we'.

"Even better" he said as he kissed my lips.

*end of flashback*

I felt a hand lightly stroke my arm and as I looked over, I saw that Kendall's bright green eyes were finally open.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"Everything. Last night. You. Us" I replied honestly. He grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you" he whispered. I smiled as I sat up.

"I think I like hearing that more than you calling me your girlfriend," I said happily, "I love you too." Kendall sat up and stretched before getting out of bed.

"I'm going to be in the studio a while today. Dustin and I are going to Skype to work on some new stuff" he stated.

"Okay. I think I'm going to go pick up Jenna and go shopping. I need a dress for Carlos' wedding" I said getting up and going to the bathroom to shower and change.

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