Chapter Fifty-Five

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A few days have passed since I got my acceptance letter to UCLA and I saw Kendall's most recent interview. The time I spent out on the court that afternoon didn't help the way I wanted it to, but it did make me realize something.

Like many people had been saying, I really was on my tennis game. I was playing like I never had before so why shouldn't I take this amazing opportunity and run with it? UCLA could open up so many doors for me, yet I kept hesitating.

Being that he was my best friend, I told Matt everything, including how I watched the interview. He didn't really say much but he kept telling me I needed to accept UCLA's offer.

Today's now Wednesday or in other words: moving day. Matt and I came over to mine and Kendall's house directly after school and got to work. So far everything from the main floor was packed up and in boxes in the back of Matt's car and we're working on the basement.

We've been working for a few hours now so I plopped down on the couch to take a break. I hit the power button on the remote but then groaned in frustration as I remembered the cable had been turned off. Then a ping pong ball hit me in the side of the head.

"Matt quit it!" I screamed as three more came flying in my direction.

"Not until you tell UCLA you'll be there in the fall" he said as he began rapid fire. I shielded my face with my arms and hands until he was out of ping pong balls and joined me on the couch.

"C'mon you were crazy about UCLA a month ago" he said nudging my side.

"Yeah when I was crazy about my life. Think about it. A month ago everything was perfect as far as I'm concerned. I had you, my family, school, awesome friends, and...Kendall" I said, my voice growing softer as I got to that last name.

"And you still have all that! Just not Kendall but that's okay!" he said trying to encourage me.

"But what if I'm starting to think that's not okay?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked looking puzzled.

"Be honest with me, have I really seemed happy these past few weeks?" I asked, my eyes looking straight at him.

He took a deep breath before looking back at me with sad eyes. "To everyone else you seem happy as a clam, but to me you seem like you're faking it all. I've known you since we were 3 years old Celine, I know your real smile and your real laugh and the way you've been smiling and laughing lately isn't it. You used to sing all the time too; that's when I knew without a shadow of a doubt that you were happy. You haven't sang since Kendall left for tour. I know you want to come off as this strong, independent person but you don't have to put on an act with me. I know you're feeling like you should be happy but there's something that's holding you back, like there's something you feel like you need in order to be as happy as everyone thinks you are" he told me.

I looked away from him and down at my nails as I began to pick at them. "I just don't know what to do" I muttered.

"Easy. Do what you want to do, not what everyone else is advising you to do. You're a smart girl. You've known all along what you want out of life now you need to go for it" he said.

"That's just it. I know I still want to be with Kendall but then with him comes heartbreak. There's no one without the other" I said, tears threatening to fall.

Matt knew it was time to change the subject so he got up and pulled me off the couch. "Should we tackle the studio next?" he asked as we walked down the hall.

"Sure. Kendall said just to pack all the mics and headsets in a box and mail them at some point" I said as we walked in.

We started grabbing things and putting them in a box and as I reached for the last headset on the counter my arm bumped the computer mouse, waking up the monitor. Curious, I looked at the screen and saw a folder open.

"What's that?" Matt asked looking over my shoulder. I shook my head as I focused and read the words on the screen.

In case you're missing me while I'm gone or you think we can't handle it, listen to this. It's one of my favorites and I've listened to it a lot lately when I've been faced with the thought of having to leave you. I love you babe -Kendall

Attached to the typed note was a song file. "He left this for me. When he left for tour. I can't believe I haven't seen it until now" I said in disbelief.

"What song is it?" Matt wondered. I moved the mouse over the play button and double-clicked it. The sound of a guitar started to come through the speaker and I recognized it instantaneously.

"I Won't Give Up" Matt and I said at the same time. I paused the song before the lyrics had a chance to start and just sat there, looking at the screen.

"That explains why he had been singing it for a solid week before they left" I said lightly chuckling. "We even sang this at Lex and Los' rehearsal dinner. They had a karaoke machine and he dragged me up there then the machine randomly chose this song."

"Get in there" Matt said as he took a headset and a mic out of the moving box and handed them to me.

"Matt I don't want-"

"Well I want you to. I haven't heard you sing in weeks" he almost begged.

I didn't want to but I took the stuff and got it set up in the booth like Kendall taught me to. I slipped the headphones over my ears and gave Matt the thumbs up and the music started.

When I look into your eyes It's like watching the night sky Or a beautiful sunrise Well, there's so much they hold And just like them old stars I see that you've come so far To be right where you are How old is your soul? Well, I won't give up on us

My eyes lit up as I heard another voice begin singing the chorus along with me. Kendall's voice.

Even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love I'm still looking up And when you're needing your space To do some navigating I'll be here patiently waiting To see what you find Cause even the stars they burn Some even fall to the earth We've got a lot to learn God knows we're worth it No, I won't give up I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use The tools and gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not, and who I am I won't give up on us Even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love I'm still looking up, still looking up. Well, I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up) God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved) We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved) God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it) I won't give up on us Even if the skies get rough I'm giving you all my love I'm still looking up

The music faded out and eventually stopped as I hung the headphones on the mic stand and walked back out to where Matt was, smiling the whole time.

"Now that," Matt said pointing a finger at me, "That's your real smile and the voice I missed so much."

"It felt good I'll admit. I didn't now he recorded it though" I said still shocked by it.

"Just like you didn't know I recorded it?" Matt asked raising an eyebrow at me. I looked at him with big eyes and a shocked look on my face. "At least I think I did," he said laughing, "That big red button says 'RECORD' and I hit it so I'm guessing it worked."

I hugged him tight as a thank you for what he had just made me do. "I'll finish up in here if you'll take more stuff out to the car" I offered. He nodded and walked out of the room.

As soon as he was out of sight I pulled up the comfy chair, took a seat, and pulled up the new recording. I turned the volume up, but low enough so Matt couldn't hear it, and listened to it.

Not too shabby, I thought as I heard my own voice. Then as Kendall's joined mine it was like something I've never heard before. Our voices seemed to sync together in perfect harmony, as if the song was made for our voices specifically.

Hearing him singing made me feel something I hadn't felt in a while. It made me feel relaxed, like I didn't have a care in the world. Almost like it made me feel as if I was on the right track, like what I'm doing and where I'm at was just as it should be.

Then I realized something as the song repeated itself; that feeling only came when I was with him. I think my decision just made itself a little bit clearer.

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