Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Oh my gosh! I've still got to put on my dress!" Alexa exclaimed in sheer panic. She'd been running around the girls dressing room for the past three hours like a chicken with her head cut off.

"Lex calm down!" her sister Krizia instructed. "You've got plenty of time! Just breathe" her other sister Makenzie ordered.

Krizia escorted Alexa to the back to put on her dress as Makenzie took a seat next to me on the couch. "I'll be so glad when this is all over!" she huffed.

"It won't be much longer," I laughed, "Then it's party time!" Her eyes lit up instantly. "We all need to unwind a little bit after this fiasco" she agreed.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation and caused Mac to get up groaning. I picked up my phone and began scrolling through twitter before I heard Mac from the doorway.

"Celine! It's for you!" she called out. I sat my phone down on the table and walked toward the door. "It's your boo thang" Mac winked as she passed by.

I could feel myself turning red as I turned the doorknob and stepped out. "So how do I look?" Kendall asked seriously. He stood before me in a white button down, khaki pants, and brown dress shoes.

"Pretty cute," I said as I saw James walking our way, "but not nearly as cute as James does!"

"That's right, that's right!" James said acting cool as he passed us. I giggled and looked back at Kendall who was trying to guilt trip me. "We're wearing the EXACT same thing!" he pointed out, as if I couldn't tell.

"I'm just kidding babe. You look great!"

"You meant it?"

"You tell me" I said. I gently grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close to me, our lips crashing together intensely.

Kendall pulled away with a smirk on his face. "I definitely think you mean it" he said laughing.

"So what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here you know?"

"No, technically Carlos isn't supposed to be here! I came because I wanted to see you in your dress" he said as he looked me up and down.

"And? What do you think?" I said as I did a little twirl.

"You just might steal the show from Alexa" he said looking serious. We heard a loud commotion coming from inside the dressing room. "I better go" I said reluctantly.

"Me too, I'll see you soon. I love you"

"I love you too" I said as I pecked him on the lips and went back inside.

As I closed the door and turned around I saw Alexa standing there in her wedding gown. "Woah baby! You look great Lex" I said giving her a hug.

We each took turns having our picture taken with the bride before it was time to go. I gave Alexa one last squeeze, "It'll be beautiful. I'll see you soon Mrs PenaVega!"

I walked out to where the ceremony was being held and James was there to escort me to my seat. "Right this way my lady" he said offering his arm.

I took it and we began to walk down the aisle toward the row where Kevin was seated. "You look great by the way" James said as he kissed my cheek and released my arm, allowing me to sit down next to Kevin.

The ceremony was amazing and thankfully it went off without a problem. Alexa looked stunning in her dress and she and Carlos looked amazing together.

As the wedding party was leaving Kendall stopped by our seats. "May I?" he asked holding out his hand that wasn't being held by Makenzie. I smiled as I took his hand and walked out with the two of them.

I found Alexa and rushed up to her. "That was the sweetest wedding I've ever been to!" I said hugging her.

"Thanks for being here," she said holding my hands in hers, "I know we just met but you've become one of my closest friends." I gave her a smile and hugged her before going back over to Kendall. "You did great as 1/3 of the best men" I said fixing his collar.

"I don't even think I heard half the ceremony" he said laughing. I looked at him oddly, awaiting an explanation. "I was too busy looking at you the whole time" he said as he kissed the tip of my nose.

Shortly after the wedding party was announced and Carlos and Alexa were introduced as Mr and Mrs PenaVega. I stood off to the side of the dance floor wrapped up in Kendall's arms as we watched them dance for the first time as a married couple.

"I love you" Kendall whispered in my ear and then kissed my cheek. I leaned my head back and rested it on his chest as the dance slowly came to an end.

Kendall and I sat with the rest of the wedding party throughout dinner and the speeches. The boys of BTR were the last to give a toast and boy did they save the best for last.

Granted it was mostly embarrassing stories about Carlos but you could tell that they were each genuinely happy for their best friend and his new bride. Then the dancing and drinking began.

Everyone was having a great time but a lot people were getting completely wasted. But that made for an interesting night to say the least. Most of the people dancing had drinks in their hands, aside from a few like me and Alexa and her sisters, but nonetheless we had a great time dancing the night away.

Kendall had already had a few drinks but he seemed to be doing a lot better than Logan and Kevin who were already slurring their words. "Ignore them and have fun!" Kendall shouted over the loud music. And that's exactly what we did.

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