Chpt. 7 You-Know-Who

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*Chloe's POV*

The whole school was whispering, chattering and freaking out. That's why things seemed all hot and sizzling. They weren't gossiping about me. Okay who am I kidding? They were. But later through the day, I was no more the main topic of the gossips. Justin Bieber was.

"Sources say he wants to complete his education. And the school they are looking at is Westland High", Michelle read out loud from the newspaper.

"His mom is very keen about his education. After all she is a Mom . And it's closer to his new place", Abby said. She knew everything about him. How? My best friends were  Beliebers. And don't get me wrong, that kid has got a flawless voice. But I'm not gonna-

"OMG I totally gotta go to the spa for a treatment and to the mall for shopping. I wanna look so good for Justin! Do you think I should dye my hair? And what do you think looks better.. Curls or straight hair? I want him to drool for me. I hear he's a beast in bed", a girl winked to her friend.
That's what I was talking about. I'm so not gonna do that. What's the big deal? He's a human. Highlight? He's an artist. No matter what, he's gonna have to study just like the rest of us. And maybe be gawked at by the girls in our school. That does not include me. And maybe the girls from the soccer team a.k.a. The jocks aren't included either.

"Maybe he is interested in football. After all we have the best football team in town", I boasted. Thanks to Nick (*fans self*) and other players, we were one of the strongest teams.

"WESTLAND TIGERS ARE THE BEST, WE SLAY LIKE NO ONE ELSE" the cheerleaders squad near us cheered . They always do that when someone says Westland High. Or Tigers. Or Football. Or the ball game. Or the name of any player on the team. I adore it. It's like we are one big team. The team where I play the irreplaceable role of the punch-bag.
A few minutes later the bell rang and we hurried towards our lockers to get our Chemistry books. We were supposed to do an experiment on the acidic properties of few substances. This is also one of the labs I'm partner-less. So Mr. Garry made me his lab partner. I'm honored but I know he did that out of sympathy. So most of the times I'm doing the experiments on my own since he wants me to try. I still remember, Michelle and Abby came in late the day he assigned us our partners so those two lucky asses were put together. Nick was assigned with Beverly Carden. A girl with a fake smile, rich Dad, super short shorts and skirts from which her ass struggles to peak out and to top it all, a boob job done. Cliché much?
Claire had Andrew West as her partner. Member of the football team.
Nick and Claire didn't mind their partners. They were hot and both of them flirted with those lucky partners (lucky=Beverly. I feel bad for Andrew tho. Claire and lab partner? Nuh-uh.)
So both of them, equally guilty.
So here I was, working on an experiment and I had Heather Fernandez and Rae Brody giving me information about Justin Bieber. I did not ask them. They were still filling me up. They were at the table behind me so I could hear everything.

"I've heard that he totally likes foreign girls", Heather cheered.
If you are wondering... Yes she did the 'I'm-so-happy-I'm-clapping-real-fast-and-jumping-and-it-makes-me-look-like-a-total-retard' thing.

"WHY are you so exited about it? Aren't you a Californian? ", Rae inquired.

" Yes. But he's Canadian. And that makes me a foreign girl", Heather squealed.
Mr. Garry left the class unattended to do God knows what, after giving us experiments to complete. And by the looks of it, I was the only one who was actually doing it.
Some kids were making out and the remaining were gossiping. And the latter group includes Abby and Michelle.

"OMG you know he's single right? ", Rae continued.

" Not for long sweetheart. I'm totally getting a piece of that cupcake", Heather chimed in.
I rolled my eyes and sighed. Perhaps a bit too loud.

"Eavesdropping huh Chance? ", Heather smirked.
Eavesdropping? Puh-lease. Even Japan could hear you considering your loudness.
That's what I wanted to say. But that's not what I said.

" Huh? N-no", I stammered.

"Nevermind her Heather. After all she could only HEAR about Justin. Ain't no way he'd wanna hang out with a skeez like her", Rae looked at me like I'm a disgrace to humanity. Okay wow.

"Ms. Fernandez, Ms. Brody?" Mr. Garry walked in.

"Thank you for keeping my partner company while I was gone. "
He gave a look that sent Heather and Rae sprawling back to their desk. The class continued to work in silence but I still could her whispering about You-Know-Who . And no I'm not talking about Lord Voldemort.
The day ended rather slowly but finally it was that time of the day when I'm in Abby's or Michelle's car, on my way home (Happy dance).  I feel safe at home. It's like Claire can't kill me with Mom and Dad around. Or maybe she can. Don't underestimate her.
Been there.
Done that.
Not a great thing to do.
When I walk in through the door after saying goodbyes to Abby and Michelle, I'm greeted by a slightly-more-excited-than-usual Mom.

"Hey honey!  How was your day? "
Shitty? No wait. Super Shitty . Oh and I'm a disgrace to humanity. Nothing that interesting Mom.

" Usual", I nod.
Smooth move Chloe. Less words, Oceans full of meaning.

"You look happy. What's up with you? ",  I asked her.

" Well there is something. It's not big but yeah. "

" Hmm", is all I manage to get out since I'm stuffing my mouth with the pancakes she made for me.

"You know the house next door? "

" Yeah? It's been empty since like forever.", I fill in.

"Not anymore. We are soon gonna have neighbors", she smiles real big.

"Cool? ", I look at her.

" Super cool. I mean I'd finally get someone's company while mowing the lawn! But I hope they have a female in the house. I'd get a new friend. ", she sucks at hiding the excitement part but that's so cute.

"Best of luck on that one Mom.",  I smile genuinely as I leave for my beloved bedroom.
Neighbors? Well, no one compares to Old Lady Benson. She used to give me chocolates everytime I left for school. She was my favorite. She even called me a 'Pretty Young Lady'  back when I was 9. And that's a big thing for moi.
I looked at the stars while standing in my balcony.
"Be a chocolate giver, neighbor."


A. N. -  Hey guys!  Sorry I took long, we had our exams this week.  Did you see Justin' s Calvin Klein shoot? OMB I died That piece of perfection. I just can't.
But but but.. To our story, It's finally happening. He is coming.*drum roll* Lol. I hope you guys are enjoying the story and I swear I'll try to update sooner. Don't forget to vote share and comment.

xx Love y'all xx

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