ninety second

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"And your mom if you come home late?"

"She won't care." Dani claims, "She knows it's Louis' birthday and it's automatic I'll attend. She won't, and can't stop it." It sounded like a plan solely relying on the guarantee that Milla wouldn't barge in and make things more difficult, either way, it was their only plan right now.

"Alright." Harry acquiesced. 

The rest of the day passes spent walking back and forth from his kitchen to the couch, the sun moving down the skies outside, Danielle completely diving into slumber on his couch by two o'clock; still hugging his pillow as she laid sideways facing the tv. He becomes incapable of falling asleep, unlike the urge to drift off that has been haunting him all morning, laying down next to her and watching after her instead. He couldn't be more thankful he dismantled his phone before he went out. People could be dying and he would have no idea. But that was the point; no one called him, no one made him anxious, and most importantly, no one interrupted. What mattered was; Dani is right there, and he had nothing else to worry about anymore.

Of course it wasn't a permanent solution to his dilemma. He could very much have someone knock on his door right now, and unlike a phone call, he can't avoid that. And perhaps that was more risky than ignoring a persistent call. He still had to face his own actions. Everyone just couldn't give him a chance to be alone with Danielle, and everytime there was an opportunity, it was usually taken away by something or someone. He's going to change numbers tomorrow for good. Kristen wouldn't be able to call him anymore from his cell, but it's not like she even cared to do that lately. And perhaps, that's for the best. He had no idea how she's been, how her case is doing, if she found someone else . . She would call if she wanted to inform him. Despite that, she hasn't.

In the night he finds himself waking up to the white streaks of light reflecting off the ceiling of his living room, his arm completely numb from Danielle's head resting on it and cutting his circulation, still fast asleep since three, her hand on his chest. He held up his other arm above his face; exactly five o'clock, the tv displaying blue static from being abandoned, his eyes heavier than usual. He must've fallen asleep after he locked the backdoor in the kitchen, his stomach growling from missed lunch and dinner. But it didn't matter, Dani was still there with him, sleeping like an angel, and no one knew they were together. Only the two of them.

But not for long. Milla and Alfred go back from work at around five thirty, and thirty minutes later, her classes would end. Surely he'll miss her when she goes tonight. It wasn't going to be another two weeks and they're going to see each other again tomorrow, still a part of him wished the night won't end. 

He slowly retrieves his arm from underneath her head, laying her down against the soft arm of the couch as he shifted from his position, gaining circulation back.

Harry stays like that for a while, mulling over the events which could potentially go down tomorrow, too anxious to dive back into the nap. Excited because it's going to be the first time he'll be out with her after the event, and nervous for the same reason. He hoped she was right. He hoped everything was going to be fine. Nonetheless, something about it kept him on edge and he couldn't just shake it off. 

By five thirty, headlights danced around the obscure walls of his living room, familiar voices starting from a distance. He sat up from the couch, narrowing his eyes and peering across the dimness towards the windows next to the front door; a familiar black car pulled over in Danielle's driveway on the other side of the street. Her parents must be home, and if she comes home any later than six, they'd be suspicious. He looks back on the unconscious girl right next to him, torn between cutting off her slumber and sparing her being scolded or letting her sleep some more. She hasn't woken up once since three. He could drop something right there and then and she'd still be asleep. 

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