fifty ninth

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Dani steps out of the main doors, a strong gust of wind blowing onto the loose strands of her hair as she looked across the extensive church grounds, a huge fancy gate fencing the front lot. The sun was still up, hiding behind a few fluffs of clouds, just enough for the heat to dissipate, leaving the skies a hugh of light blue. A couple of people walked by either leaving or going towards the entrance, and Harry wasn't there. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear in the attempt to fix it, walking down the small steps leading away from the door.

She lied to Carter. She didn't know her way around. She's been going to that church for as long as she could remember but she's never even wandered off without a chaperone before. At the end of the day, she didn't exactly know what she was doing there other than the fact Harry instructed to do so. It doesn't even make sense, leaving the comfort of being next to her brother and parents even though she was bored for the sake of clearing up her mind. Whatever it is he has to say better be important, or otherwise . . it didn't really matter she just wanted to see him, even if it meant being impulsive.

By the time Danielle reached the parking lot, the sun has completely disappeared behind clouds, the winds taking over the previous heat and blowing on her hair, the hems of her dress following the breeze. She gaped across the cars lining the other side of the space. Harry wasn't there. Nobody was. She wipes off the strands sticking on her face, pulling out the hair tie she quickly shoved into the pocket of her jacket earlier, and gathering her hair into a sloppy ponytail to make up for the mess.

Apparently her hair wasn't the only mess she needed to take care of as the bottom of her dress ballooned up to reveal her panties underneath. Her eyes widened in horror, straightening the skirt part of the dress to hold it down and barely having success. Nobody was there to witness her demise, but something was telling her otherwise. She lets her eyes roam each corner of the grounds, searching for any traces of Harry but failing to find any. Where even is he? He told her to get out and meet her at the parking lot because he needed to say something important. She was here, where is he?

Keeping her hands down her skirt to stop it from flying up, she trudged further into the grounds to navigate, looking for his car instead of him which isn't saying much. His car was black, a bit on the bigger side, definitely bigger than their red one. It was going to be difficult to find it in the sea of blacks parked on the other side. This was a bad idea, wasn't it? Why did he make her go out if he wasn't going to be there? Come to think of it she spent about thirty minutes worrying about him and not getting there on time.

Maybe he left. It did take her a bit more time before she got out and perhaps he got bored just waiting there. And it wasn't like they weren't going to see each other later anyway. Did he go there just specifically for her? Did he get in line because he knew she would be there? Perhaps what he was going to say really is important for him to exclusively run there. A sigh escaped her lips, pulling out the spare scarf she had inside her pocket to wipe off the frustration from her face, the fabric flying along with the wind and out of her grasp.

She gasped, eyes widening in terror as she watched it dance around the air. The same scarf she used to cover up her neck. It was one of the gifts her mother gave her for christmas, and she was going to kill her if it got lost. Dani runs after it, reaching her arm over for the scarf in the attempt to catch it. It flies away before she could even touch it, hovering above the filthy concrete of the parking lot. Oh god, she could just imagine the dirt gathering on it. She cringed at the thought, desperately following it on every direction it went, stumbling on her own feet. The wind seemingly playing some kind of a sick joke on her as it also blew on the baby strands of hair sticking out of her ponytail, one hand still on her skirt to prevent it from ballooning up.

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