Chapter 52

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Tonight is The Report.
Of course I wanted to think about Augustus and his rather toned body, but I don't turn down my friend. After Officer Feldspar had returned to duty, Charleston came and I dismissed my maids.

"I don't want him to- get- hurt!" She sobbed in my arms for at least an hour.

"Listen, go get ready for The Report and I'll come pick you up on the way, okay?" I wiped her tears as she nodded and escorted herself out.

It's pretty ironic helping others with love when my relationship with Gus is a living hell hole. I love him. The fact has been put out there. The only fact that's not be released is his. Does he love me? Of course he doesn't expect me to give in first making me appear vulnerable.

My maids pulled out the dress. It's a nice sparkling faded silver, slim and loose at the bottom. It has an open back which brings shivers down my spine every time there's a wave of air.
My hair is up loosely, held up in pins, but is never the less gorgeous.

"You look beautiful as always, Delilah." Patsy says, squeezing her wrinkly hands together.
"Thank you, guys."

I released myself out into the hall where all I saw a trio of girls turning to go down the flight of stairs. In that moment I rush to room 17 and knock lightly. Nothing. I knock again, this time louder. I patiently wait, and when my heart begins to pick up the door opens to reveal the girl I met on the plane. She's in a short, fluffy, white, dress with many diamonds and sequins lining the fabrics perimeter.
Her hair is straight for once and pulled into a slick pony tail.

"Are you ready?"
She smiles weakly, and we start for the Report room.

I would claim it's flooded, but besides the royals and four other selected it's really not much. Just the wandering camera crew and Gavril getting powdered up.

"Hey, Charleston." China says walking up approaching her with such happiness. Though noticing my presence she gives a rather rude stink like look. I remember when I first met Charleston. She was talking excessively about plane facts and statistics, it being my first plane ride and all. She told me about her prize that she received in New Asia for her speech. I guess she had a connection with her when she went.

Charleston uneasily looks at her like she's scared she has an undiscovered malady. I nudge her with my elbow, as I smile to the girl I disgust. "She has just bad lady cramps..." I gesture to her mid-stomach right over her belly button as if she would understand as I pull her away from the incoming huddle of females.

"Listen, you have to act normal." I whisper, smiling broadly and using bunches of unnecessary hand gestures so it looks more optimistic than admonishment.

"I am acting normal."
"You call not having the ability to speak, normal? Just smile and wave. Try your best to avoid conversation. You look as if your about to puke."
She raises a smile, noticing the stares. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried."
"Worried about what? Only one that knows other than you and me, is Willow. Just avoid conversation, and in free time think of an alibi. Your being suspicious." And with that, I walk away already distributing myself to my small throne.

The Report starts off with his same "ecstatic" introduction, a greeting to the royals and selected, news about Illêa and the local provinces, and then down into the news usually everyone finds at least the slightest bit interesting. News about the selection.

"As you can all see, we have six selected remaining and had only eight last week! Their dropping like flies, I must say!" I hadn't really thought about the fact that the three gone, and one put in was all pretty instantly.

"For starters, we have the tall blonde beauty Amelia Tyler!" I can only imagine the picture of her popping on all the television screens at home. "This talkative Cinderella was sent home due to a clip that was caught. Take a look." The lights dimmed as the back wall turned into a screen. It showed the film of the Irish dancing around with a glass of liquor in their hands, and Amelia tripping over people and asking to ride random strangers backs. The lights rose back as he rudely said. "Well, that's quite embarrassing!" I know it's quite embarrassing, but I feel a pang in my heart for her. She's probably somewhere watching and despite her lack of emotion, I know that stung had too.

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