Chapter 25

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The next week went by to quickly:
The long and boring etiquette lessons, the girls absently minded flirting skills, a couple of girls leaving, and Augustus trying to take his previous time with them each.
So when Princess Aria requested the selected's time, I was relieved that something was actually happening.
My maids were glad to doll me up, in fact they made me a gorgeous lavender dress that was supported with lace and white beadings.
"Wanda, make sure Tinsley doesn't go crazy." I say while adding on my white beaded necklace from my aunt.
"Patsy, make sure, that Wanda watches Tinsley."
I quickly walk with my heels on over too the door,
"And Tinsley, make sure Patsy keeps her sanity. We all know how she gets." I joke around as giggles chorus the room.
"Be good ladies, I love you all, and I'll be back in a few!"
I shut the door behind me, sounding like a wandering mother with three grown children.
I found Charleston in the crowd of rushing girls almost instantly.
"Do you know why she wants us?"
She just shrugs her shoulders,
"No, I overheard the other's apparently a surprise."
We followed the herd of jittery ladies down the corridor, stairs, and then into the women's room.
Princess Aria stood with her long gown on preparing for some big news.
Once we all settled, she began to speak in her light toned voice,
"Good morning ladies!"
A chorus of good mornings flew right back at her.

"As you all know, this past summer, I went to Africa to help the unfortunate achieve an education..."
We all sit eager for words from the royal.
"...well on my travels there, I realized I wasn't alone. I met the Prince of Ireland, Prince Marsh Gruff."
A couple of spontaneous giggles fluttered about.
"Well, we talked, and spent a lot of time together in Africa. We've been considered a thing ever since. So I decided to ask my 'boyfriend' to come down for a visit, to meet my family, and Illéa. That's leads to now..."
She stands to her feet and takes a huge breath.
"With my permission of coming in here, I'd love to welcome my boyfriend, Prince Marsh Gruff of Ireland!"
The double doors of the Women's Room open, and the tall, unavoidably attractive prince enters.
He is tall, slim, but has a very substantial look in his face. His jaw line is strong and pale, but his head has a short and gorgeously cut blonde hair, and light crystal like blue eyes.
"My dear," he bows for Princess Aria.
"My dear." She replies back blushing in a curtsy, as he lifts her with a kiss on her hand.

I series of "Aweeees" flush around.
He turns to face us and smiles to each of us as a group and begins a speech,
"I know my time in this room, and at the castle is limited, but I'd like to see you all around, and wish our lasting relationship the best, as I wish you all the same. Have a good evening girls, and as for you-" he looks at Aria, "-I'll see you in the gardens at noon. No later because by then, not seeing you would become unbearable."

Minutes after everyone calmed there selves down from his "adoring" comments, Aria went on...
"But that, ladies, was not the surprise. In a couple of days, I'm holding a charitable Fashion Show!"
You best believe all the girly girls started screaming to the top of their lungs.
"I even brung some Africans, who've already been to the doctors office and has token vaccines so they won't transfer anything-"
Piper scoffs, "How do you know?"
Princess Aria doesn't look mad, but offended, "Because I single handedly took each of the 24 to the infirmary for check ups and vaccines making them resistant to Illéan diseases. Any other questions?"
I hide my face in a smirk, as Piper sits back with rolled eyes.
"Yes, do we each get one?" Rose asks.
"Yes! You'll get them tomorrow though, meet them, and introduce them to the palace and the surroundings! Any more...? No, okay, well I'll see you all at breakfast!" She pipes, as she stands into a curtsy and walks out.
Sorry it isn't that long or interesting, I'm just at my dad's and I'm trying to hurry up before the Walking Dead tonight!!
Go check out @Toribella99 story, "The Chosen"
Also if you wouldn't mind going to check out some of my other stories, one specifically (The Fields In Which We Played)
Remember to Vote & Comment and I'll ttyl!

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