Chapter 13

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Oh- the bed. It's wrappings of silk and fibers sent me into an everlasting sleep that the maids interrupted at the freaking crack of dawn.
"Lady Delilah? It's time to wake. You have breakfast in a few."
My eyelids forbid to open, but my mouth voluntarily let's out a groan of weariness.
My first thought is: Do I seriously have to wake up? Sleep is natural thing...leave me be.
But the second thought came across seconds later: I've never been woken up like this (besides when I was younger.) I was usually the one cooking. No one older guiding me, and helping me wake.
Slowly, I push the comforter back as Tinsley or Tinker, rushes forward, helping me up.
"I'm fine," I say, respectfully rejecting her help.
"Come on, we must bathe you." Patsy says, waddling towards the tub running the water.
"I can't 'bathe' myself?" The attitude finds it's way into my tone involuntarily.
"No no, it would only be best for us to handle it." She begins to rise my gown, stripping me from all clothing and dipping me in the bath.

Believe it or not, I've never felt more clean in a while. Set aside my insecurities, I could get use to it.
"Okay, Miss. We all worked together to make an outfit for this evening, and after many, many ideas, we decided on this..." Wanda slings the curtain of the hanger revealing this amazing dress.
It's a sunny yellow, with a bold innocent look. It's strapless with an elegant neckline, riding over the top of my breasts (blocking out the provocativeness.) The bottom brushing the ground ever I took.
"ITS BEAUTIFUL!" I gasped at their masterpiece.
The all did a curtsy and fixed me up.
My hairs fixed in a curly bun, with ringlets falling from the sides. Perfect.
The dress is flailing around in the breeze from the balcony. Beyond perfect.
"The only thing left you need is jewelry!" States Tinker, running to a drawer on the bedside.
"Actually I got something."
I go to my little bag in the corner, and pull out the little string of white beads my Aunt Francine gave me to resemble pearls.
I walk to the mirror, and intwine the little knot of string behind my neck, while the what's supposed to be pearls dangle from my neck.
"Where'd you get that from, miss?"
Tinker asks.
"My aunt made it for me. The gems and jewels y'all have are gorgeous, but this right here isn't just jewelry- it's a piece of what's left of my real family."

I hope you love this chapter! I just got my selection book back so I'll be working as much as possible.
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WE'VE REACHED 3.1k READS! I'm so blessed guys!
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-Lady Makayla

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