Chapter 42

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"Ladies, now we must remember all we've learned in the past months to put forth our next project." Cornelia paces the room, her heels clicking at a beat. Some of the girls nod and jot down notes, and others ahhhh in curiosity. I just sit forward with my legs crossed, trying my best to stash the information she's blurting out.

"For this assignment, I'll be splitting you eight into four groups. When I call your names, step forward and draw from our bowl," on a stool beside her sits a glass bowl with four slips of folded paper. "This project will be to test the responsibility and organization of you potential queens. Four royal acquaintances will be joining us from four foreign countries. It'll be your jobs to create a party in their honor of arrival. Each of you will attend the others party, and once all four parties are finished we will have a board up in here revealing the winning team, the losing team, and those in between. You have a week to plan. Now for the teams..."

Hero stands beside Cornelia, prepared to answer any questions the selected have. She stands with her hands in front of her, she's gaining weight. Must be the holidays catching up with her.

"...Olivia Butera and...Gemma Giles!"
The two gorgeous and well rounded girls step up in the short fluffy dresses, and after a second of debating Olivia pokes her manicured nails into the bowl and pulls out a slip of paper.
"Queen Bella of Italy!"
The room claps, even though their isn't really anything exciting about their receiving person.

"Charleston Tonks and..." I cross my fingers. "...Willow Jennings!" I roll my eyes as the both step up, and pull a slip of paper.
"The Twins, Sophia and Vigario, from France!"

Amelia Tyler got stuck with Piper, poor thing. Though on the bright side they didn't get people that unfamiliar. They got Prince Marsh of Ireland's sister, Lillian.

Eventually it came down to the last too. Me and Arena Glass. A adorable short girl with long curly black hair, and a small little face. She is a petite naturists, so maybe in this task I can find major use for her.

"Go ahead, draw." Arena whispers to me and I finally pull out the white paper. It's thin between my finger tips, as I unravel our royal. There laced into the paper I read,

"Princess China Siguo, of New Asia."
The room claps, as Cornelia sends all of us teams to begin our research around the palace.

"Where do you think we should go first?" Arena says, her voice high pitched gripping hem of her dress.

"When in doubt...go to the library."


You would think everyone would rush to the Illéa palace library to begin their research, but believe it or not out of the four groups- we were the only ones.

I slammed the clipboard on the table, eager to retrieve information.
I grab the supplies notebook and pen and began jotting down all I knew about our royals. I may seem like a bum from Atlin that was unfortunate enough to land in Clermont, but I'm quiet intelligent. Besides Aunt Francine, books were my escape. I'd leave my terrifying reality of witches and step sisters and step into the educational wonders of books.

"Arena," I rise my head from the notebook. "Go find anything you can about New Asia, any New Asian plant we could use for decoration-" she cuts me off as she states.

"Cherry Blossoms. I did a report on it in fourth grade."

I weakly smile, "Okay then. I also need a biography on our China Siguo."

For two hours we sat in the library searching her up and down. I'm almost positive we breached her social security number we found out so much. Some of the selected came and gone, but we didn't leave. We sat their and figured out all we can, for the rest of the week we could send out our supplies needed, determine dress codes, and get ready for our Asian venue.

Eventually, our time was up and dinner had come.


The night becomes sleepless, as I twirl the opal heart between my fingers. It most definitely wouldn't be out in the open if my maids were in here, but I commanded them to go get sleep and leave me be.

I look at the necklace and remember his sweet meaningful words. The way he asked for permission just by the way he looked at me, and placed me in his arms with such grace. I felt something for him that was even inevitable to me.

I hear a laugh. Usually at eleven at night, you would grab a baseball bat and run for your life, but this wasn't one of those horror movie moments. It was a laugh of purity and happiness.
I quickly kick back my heavy comforter and push back the drapes revealing my dark red room that's lit with contained candle light.
I really need to go ahead with that paint job.

I here another giggle flutter around, and I direct myself to the balcony.
The stars peak like cut holes in black paper, blaring like rays of light down unto us on Earth.
The night is blustery, but them below make the night seem like tomorrow was ending, and it was up to them to make it worth living.
I would question it, by the figures laying on the scattered blanket was no other than those that sneak out their on every other night.

Queen Hero and King Everette.

Her brown hair that's usually up in pins and hairspray, is down in a fluff of fresh curls with a long white gown fighting against the wind. She lays on the blanket pointing at the stars like she's fascinated by all the beauties of the world and the nature in it.
Everette's in stealthy black pants, with a white button up top that's unbuttoned revealing his tanktop. His rusty hair that sinks between a dark brown, and a sandy blonde is rustled completely, as he lays beside his wife. He must've had a long day of work.

Every night I hear her soft laugh and his loud comments I wake to watch them- in a complete non stalker way. They don't just look like a normal married couple. They look like two people who are so in love with the other, that they can't even stand the fact of a second without the other. Their love is contagious.
I want that.
I need that.
I long for that.
Hey guys! I know this isn't that intriguing of a chapter, but you just got to settle for what's coming up!
I'm at my dad's and I got a kindle! Whoop Whoop!
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