Chapter 70

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Cornelia's earpiece was pressed closely to jaw, her words marking another task complete before the arousing conviction. She marked off another bullet on her clip board as she looked up.

"Alright, ladies-" but her face mutated into this look...that look your parents give you when you've done something stupid for the thousandth time and are libel to start throwing things. "What in the German Federation are you doing?"

I was a tad bit thrown off for the fact that she said "German Federation," but I suppose to her that's better then the words that those use in arguments who lack intellectual instinct.

The man standing on the ladder in the main hall grabbed the wall as if it's lack of grip would help him from falling. That wasn't what stopped the collapse of a staff member, but two local guards who seized the ladder before Cornelia could throw him off of it.

"The Queen wanted the walls painted...a more exotic tone." The poor mans face was about as red as the scarlet paint smudged on the wall in a perfect line.

"Well-" I could practically see the steam pulsing out of Cornelia's ears. "-until further notice...leave post. Now."

The butler shuffled away at great speed, his apron falling to the ground.

After several seconds of self consolation, Cornelia spun back around to the remaining four of us.
"Now remember what we practiced. The conviction will begin in-" she scanned her watch and then her clipboard, "three." and with that she turned on her heels and marched into the double doors.

"You look great, Arena." Her black hair was for once flattened down her back, along with her simple but beautiful dress making her look extraordinary. The white in the silk made her porcelain skin stunning along with the lightly coated golden sparkle.

She wasn't the only one.
China was wearing a shimmering gold dress, sinking at the collar, exposing the rather familiar sight of her cleavage. It hugged her doll like body so she looked like the ultimate Asian babe.

Willow was wearing a huge white gown, frilling about her in a drape like fabric as her torso was in a golden corset. Her hair up and in tangle curls.

"As do you, Delilah." Arena smiled, tucked back a strand of her hair.

She wasn't exaggerating. I did look better compared to the usual. I was supporting a white and gold gown. At the top it had a tank top like appearance with the spaghetti straps and sweetheart neckline. It hugged my chest and hips at my waist it sprouted out around me like a flower in bloom. The dress supporting a low opacity gold fabric with several silver sparkles. My hair up in ponytail, surprisingly taking an hour of hair spray and hair care products to produce.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

"Places, ladies!" Cornelia whispered, slipping through the grand doors.
"Cameras are out, Illéa is watching! Be the potential queen we all assumed you would!" She encourages, checking us off as she places us in order.

China first, Arena, me, and then Willow. It took a moment to put myself in front of her in single file, my back not wanting to be angled at the back stabber. Hopefully if she did come at me with a knife the frill of my dress or the train on hers would catch her first.

"Alright, five, four, three..." Cornelia's golden nails count down as her voice lightens and the guards at the doors begin to pull the handle. "...and their off." I can hear her whisper into her earpiece as China makes the first step for the traditional event.

Once I step onto the floral intricately designed scarlet carpet, I realize there's no turning back. On my left, hosts of television shows, local new casters, along with a great dozen of camera men. On my right local citizens who paid great money just to watch us sentence someone to prison sit eagerly in their best wardrobe.

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