Part Three: The One

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My eyes were stinging with liquid, my hands reaching up to wipe them. I've ran pretty fast in all honesty, and still managed to find my desired location.
I reached my door in moments, and no guards or maids were there to greet me. I just pushed through it, my gown doing a wipe against the wood as I slammed it shut.

Some consider that we you weep, your me it just let's me know my feelings are still intact- to let myself know everything's okay. But that's the thing...everything's not okay.

I look to the wall, and see the large mirror that's shown me the obligated Delilah for so I don't know what I see. My hairs a tangled mess, and bags way heavy under my green eyes. Not to mention the tear stains smudging against my freckles. I am a complete wreck. However before I could even manage to fix the corrupted face of mine, a knock echoed from my suite room door.
My neck pops at the sudden turn.
"Del?" The voice echoes and I recognize the accent and the deep mellowly voice. Augustus.
I was hesitant on my decision. Do I let him in? Or do I avoid the situation, let the fury roar inside me. I chose what I thought was best, and honestly neither sounded pleasant.
I gripped the cold knob and twisted it.
His figure was slouched in the door way, and I couldn't make out his face from the lack of light.
"It's Delilah." I replied bitterly, as I turned, leaving him in the empty doorway.

Once the lock clicked into the hole, the tenseness of the situation was visible even from a total stranger. Despite the feeble feeling, I kept my back towards him as I overlooked the gray clouds in the west.
"Listen..." He began, and I felt his hands barely scrape over my shoulder before I turned and threw his arm...his body...his existence away from me.
"No! YOU listen!" I bellowed, fury, sadness, and oblivion pulsing through me like a ticking time bomb just eager to reach the sparks and blow up. That's just a metaphorical version. Literally, I can say I did blow up.
Now I could see his face, the way the dusty sun embraced my beige carpets and his clenched jaws; so sharp it'd give me a cut. His eyes told me the sleepless night he had and the scaring decision he could possibly make. However even the sunken sea blue wasn't uplifting or even encouraging for me to stop what I was about to say.
"Remember Christmas Eve?" I bitterly spat.
He clenches his jaws and then releases a breath full of air... "Of course."
"Do you remember what happened?"
But I shut him up real quick,
"You got in a fight! God forbid!" I scream, making birds in the distant trees fly away. "Do you know got in a fight?" I egg on.
"Because I was protecting you...De-Delilah, what does this have to do with it?!"
I just roll my eyes with clenching jaws and fiery eyes.
"Augustus, what do you want?"
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I ask again, pain sorrowing through me as the picture of his tan hands gripped her manicured ones flashed my memory; veins revealing itself in anger. It was a painful sight, but sure enough I was letting the steam out.
"HAPPINESS!" He bellowed, stepping forward so he was just a inch from me.
"Then if happiness is what you seek, why do you keep making yourself so dam stressed? Huh, Prince Augustus? Please tell me, why you CONTINUOUSLY strive to PISS ME OFF!"
Now I could see it. The long salty tears trailing down his face. It didn't create sympathy, but pleasure. It was nice to see him finally feel what's been sorrowing threw my head this whole hell of a time!
"Delilah," he whispered, stepping forward but I backed up. "...don't you understand? It's no longer about who I dislike the most..."
"Then what then? A draw out of a hat? A bet?"
"'s about who I love the least..."
And with that he whipped pass me and to the door, his golden hair shimmering in the hall lights.
"Gus..." I stop him, and sure enough the figure stops decreasing and waits in it's usual hot silhouette in the doorway. " said you fought to protect me, correct?"
After a moments silence I hear the raspy mutter. "correct."
"then think of what I did to protect you..."
Sorry this isn't as awesome or as detailed but I'm pumped to get to baby chapters!
I've been doing a voting on Instagram, and I've gotten many names, but I'd like YOU GUYS to tell me what you want the gender to be!
Hero's children:
-Autumn (miscarriage)
- ???
So comment "B" for Boy or "G" for Girl! It'll be most definitely taken into consideration! So hurry up and vote, because the grand reveal is the NEXTTTT CHAPTEEERRR!

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