Chapter 48

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"Oh my gosh, this book is amazing!"
Gus' fascination over books is adorable. His eyes glow with a passion, and it just helps me signify that I'm not hitting on an idiot.
"Yeah, I thought you'd like it...I came across it while stalking China." I laugh, as he embraces the book.

It's been only a day since Amelia and Olivia's eviction, and I know Gus was tore up about it. They were good girls, and maybe it was because he needed more time or that he actually felt for her, but I decided to take him somewhere where all stress is relieved and you can enter a universe of fantasy.
The library.

"Yeah, that China girl is something though right? I took her out yesterday," he rests on the mantel staring into the sky. "She has amazing manners, and was so classy. I don't know, just besides the fact she a a princess, she knows what she's doing."
His words "she knows what she's doing" echoes into the air, as I begin to question, what is she technically doing?

Gus and I have a pretty sealed up relationship. We kiss in the shadows, but them go back to being buds so he can tell me how he appreciates all the other girls. It's a clear friends with benefits kind of thing, but it's also not. I want to go on dates and kiss in the light in front of others so they can just fall into uncontainable jealousy of what I have.
I have feelings for Gus.
I don't know what kind. I would confess, but what is there to confess really? That I have something for you that's blind to me? Then again, what if the feeling isn't mutual? Being a girl sucks.

"Okay...well. Since we have so much gossip, and such little time to speak maybe we should come up with something that could to each other that we need to talk. Like a signal."

He smirks. "Have you actually read this?" He asked pointing at the wrapped up book.
"Not technically. I glanced at the first page and it just seemed like something Augustus Schreave would die for."
"Well, I've read it. Mom used to read it to me when I was young. It's a about my grandma named America Singer. This is her diary...sort of her story of going threw the selection for my grandfather. They also had a signal."
I laugh, walking around the mantel so I can lean across from him.
"Oh really, what was it, big shot?"
He spontaneously reaches forward and pulls my earlobe.
"Ouch, what was that for?"
"That was their signal. They'd tug their ear if they wished to speak."
I scoff,
"So is that what you insist our signal is?"
And with that I reach forward and snatch his earlobe as I walk past him towards the palace library doors.
"You know, your supposed to do it to yourself?"
I turn back laughing.
"I know. Just payback."


As the parents last day in the palace, the Queen and King insisted a big party planned in their honor. Not your typical music, dancing, and food, but more like an isolated tea party. I guess this is what they consider turning up.

Instead of a gown, they put my in a tight yellow sundress along with a huge hat that had flowers strayed along the top, probably used to attack abnormally sized bees.

"Delilah, come on so we don't be late!" Aunt Francine complains, matching me in a darker shade of gold. I roll my eyes and follow my huddle of kin- more like Aunt Francine, Dad, and I into the gardens where two long tables sat.

The men- King, Gus, and all of the other men sat at one. If Olivia was still here, her father would be sitting at the table chatting along considering her mother was pregnant with a new baby.
Anyways, all of the ladies at the other.

We sat elegantly, and used the rules Cornelia taught us. To be honest, the only fair reason I enjoyed the tea party was because of the endless supply of crumpets.

"Don't you think your full of enough by now?" Piper scoffs, no women by her side but China. Both of their female apprentices not here.

Aunt Francine seemed to take her words offensively, as I, like a routine, replied. "I don't know, but if I reached the limit that your botox surgeon did, then consider me talented."

She snarled, and continued sipping tea and fake laughing. Over all, the tea party was a bore, but spending the annual time with Aunt Francine was enough. At least I didn't leave hungry.

Eventually the goodbyes came, and the dreary feeling washed over the group of selected. Aunt Francine's goodbye was brief, as spending the whole evening with her was enough.

Dad's was a lot harder. With him being divorced with Maria and no where to go I can't help but embrace him.
"Stay strong, daddy." All the money I've been getting paid has been going straight to Aunt Francine, but now I have to try to last as long for dad too.
"You to, baby girl. I love you."
"I love you too."
He walked all the way to the doorway before I yelled,
"Don't be chasing down any wild ladies!" He laughed and said, "I've got your aunt, that's enough for now."
Sorry it isn't my best, but the next chapter should be good!
QOTC: Celebrity Crush?
AOTC: Chandler Riggs
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