Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke with a refreshing start. I didn't hesitate when Patsy and Tinker went to bathe me. If anything I reluctantly helped.
Wanda showed me the gorgeous dress she had sewn up. It was a baby pink, bringing out my curves with an elegant bow tied upon my lower back.
My blonde hair was down in silky waves, with a silver pin holding back the stranded baby hairs.

Then when my early morning prep was done, I excused the maids to go have the evening off. After several minutes of arguing, I finally commanded them to go take a break. Which led to them walking out with their heads hung low, but with a sympathetic smile slipping in sight.

With that I walked over to the desk in the corner, and pull out a piece of fresh parchment along with an ink pen, and began...

Dear Aunt Francine,
The palace is beyond comprehension! There's maids, servants, and even guards wandering around at all times. I've made new friends and my fair share of being Genevieve (as always.) That show you used to watch with the vampires, well that girl who plays Elizabeth is also here. Her names Piper Star. She budded me out instantly...I guess she saw me as competition? I can hear you laughing even over this distance at that thought.
Meeting Prince Augustus was interesting...he called me beautiful and I kind of snapped, but I'm not good with compliments, since I get them rarely. Though anyways, he must've either liked me, or just not hated me because I wasn't in the group of the first to leave. Anyways, I hope your proud I stuck my ground and I'm no longer a 2, with Dad and Marie.
So just give dad hug and tell him I love him, and that leaving wasn't anything personal. It was what I had to do. Though don't tell him about Marie's true colors, because there's a good chance I might be going home soon and I really wouldn't want him to be upset x2.
I love you. I miss you. In a way I want to go home to see y'all. The only reason I did sign up was because it was what you, mom, and dad wanted. Though I'm growing on this place fairly quick. Again, I love you, and enjoy my stuff being stuck isolated in the corner of your living room.
Love, Delilah.

P.S.- Thank you for the necklace again...and thank you that you made it white, because white goes with anything and everything, as my maid Wanda, says.

I wandered over to the door of my room and I swung open the big doors to see one of the guards standing by it.
"Could please take this to whoever is in control over moving my items to my new home?" It was as if that was a mission the guards were learning because with no sense of confusion, he bowed, grabbed the letter, and marched off to find Marvel (I'm assuming.)

I found many of the other girls exiting their rooms at this time.
"Hey Charleston!" I say cheerfully.
"I know this isn't something you ask somebody, but why are you smiling?"
I let out a chuckle... "Honestly, I don't know. It's just been such a good few days you know? Figuring out about being a 6, and-" a rude very intrudes our deep conversation.

"Well at least it's where she belongs. I'm shocked she isn't down in the cellar with the rest of them peasants." Pipers short body try's to seem intimidating with her lime short dress.

I send her a nice smile, "Charleston, I think you optimism is rubbing off on me. Even this crazy bitch can't get to me." I scoff, as the couple of swarming girls send out a laugh. All she sends me is an immature eye roll, and then trots further down the hall in her strutting heels with Genevieve right behind her.

It's like at my old house. When Genevieve needed something I was her literally maid getting it for her. Now she's a puppy to Piper. Oh, how rolls change.


The breakfast, like everyday, is superb. I have my usual chats with the gorgeous Allissa. Today she was telling me about a teacher of hers that was a selected before, and how it led her to have so much inspiration. Honestly, Allissa may have a chance. She's beautiful, hilarious, and is a great talker (socially.) Maybe she could sweet talk the enemies, and turn them into instant allies?
After the first meal of the evening, I scooted my chair in, walking out with Allissa by my side.

"You should try-" but before Allissa could finish her talkative suggestion, some shadow is hovered over me.
I turn my head to see Prince Augustus hovering over me.

Allissa leaves with a smirk plastered on her face.
"Can we speak?" He says over the chattering crowd of 29 girls.
I give him a nod, and he pulls me over to the side of the hall, while the pondering traffic pass suspiciously.

"So, I did my research, and it came to my attention that you like books?" The wondering girls either slow down, or either head to the women's room to pretend like their chatting, but are actually spying.

I awkwardly smile, "Is this research, known as stalking?"
He slips his hands into his pockets, and rocks on the heel of his shoe.
"I think we have very different definitions of this so called stalking." His voice is enriched in his usual sarcastic and picky attitude.
I just nod my head, my dignity gone by now, as he continues.

"But anyways, I found this book."
He pulls out this novella from under his arm, and places it front of my face labeled: "The Day I Started Living..."

"Well, it's very pretty. Now could you please care to explain why I'm not in my bedroom about to take a power nap?"

He gives me an annoyed eye roll,
"This book, is the best book of all time, and I would like you to read it."

I look at the book, and take it from his grasp hesitantly.
"Why thank you..." I smudge my lips together awkwardly as he begins again,

"There's a quote in there- do not cheat- that I want you to read, examine, and tell me what you think about it. The first part of the quote is underlined, as the sentence won't make sense unless you read that too, but the highlighted is different. Tell me what you think about it at dinner." He says it like his life is about to end and his last words are jus sputtering out like an unconfined waterfall.

"I have a meeting with my father, so I bid you farewell." He kisses my lonesome hand, and dashes down the hall to his fathers office.

I'm in absolute shock. Not only did the prince stalk me, single me out, and give me a book, but he kissed my hand...interesting evening.

I turn to leave when I see around 5 of the desperate selected looking threw the Women's Room doorway at me, one being Genevieve.
I could say so much hurtful things, but instead I decide to act lady like and turn to the other cheek...after I waved at them like I actually appreciated their unwanted company.


I've read nearly every page of this novella, sucked into it like an addiction.
I'm crouched upon my bed, with nothing but the sounds of the breeze and prickles of the falling leaves.
When I finally reach the last page of the 8th chapter, I read the sentence.

The underlined words say: "The day I started living, was the day you walked into the room..."

Then in the bright neon yellow highlighter read: "...therefore, will you go on a date with me?"

😈cliffhangers are mean, and I love them. So their goes your chapter! I'll work on the next one tomorrow.
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