Chapter 7

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After we left the Clermont's Service Office, like everyone else we went home.

Genevieve jumped to this unanimous decision that she, was for a fact going to be chosen; which was awful for me. Everywhere we went, I was her stepping mat, and it was absolute horrid. Of course, she treated me like this before, but now she has like this evil twitch in her eyes when she sees me...I'm scared if she don't make it she'll murder someone.

But this, happened for about two weeks, when one Friday night like always I was called to come down to watch The Report with the 'family.' Of course I had nothing better to do so I obeyed, and had a seat at the bottom of the stairs looking at dad sitting in the living room with Maria and Genevieve,

"Come in here, Delilah! Tonight's the night!"

That however caught my attention, so I strode forward, resting my body against the mantel.

Within seconds of waiting for the them to find the right channel, I hear a knock on the door.

I walk over impatiently and open the door to reveal someone I love most,

"Aunt Francine!? What are you doing here!?"

Everyone's attention in the living room turns to us...

"You dad invited me!"

She gives me a soft embrace as dad screams,

"ITS ON!" At the top of his manly lungs, alarming all of us, or more like all of our province!

Francine strides over and stands behind dad, who has Maria perched in his lap. I, like the last time, park myself up against the mantle, having the whole view of the living room exposed to me.

Genevieve gets in a little stance next's to the tv as The Report shines on the flat screen.

"Hello Ladies & Gentlemen, to The Report! Welcome to the stage our one and only, Gavril!"

Genevieve claps obsessively.

The man with his several Botox surgeries known as Gavril, walks in front of the camera, his suit dazzled in neon and sparkles.

"Thank you, thanks you!"

Says Gavril as the fake applause dials down.

"Before we reveal what all of Illéa has been waiting for, let's talk to the Prince Augustus!"

The masculine figure known as Prince Augustus appears. He has tan skin, strong hair game, not to shabby but when he begins to speak he just kills it, or should I say Genevieve killed it, because she began pressing her fingers to her lips and then his face at a repetitive pace (Can you say desperate?!)

"So, how are you feeling about the girls?"

Augustus smiles, his pearly whites blinding me,

"Well I haven't got to see them yet so I'm hopeful!"

Gavril let's out a fake chuckle.

"Well we wish you the best, now attention to the screens because one of these will be the future daughter of Illéa..."

The screen goes black for a milli-second as it begins,

A girl with simply smile and elegant look appears while a little box on the corner shows the princes reactions, "Rose Ferguson from Carolina..."

It feels like I can actually hear the applause from her and her family miles away.

For the next two minutes, they keep calling on the caked up girls, but who they call next I was not prepared for,

Genevieve's cheery face from her revenge on me appears on the screen with, "Genevieve Khroker from Clermont!"

My living room blows up!

Genevieve hops into the air, her knees extending to her face, screaming full excitement! Maria and Dad jump up to rejoice with her, but I was wrong- she was right...she did make it into the selection and good for her.

They dial down after a few seconds so Genevieve can eye out her competition, but she keeps spitting and squeaking with excitement...

Obviously tired of their crap I wheel around on my heels as I make my way to the stairs,

"Delilah Primar,"

My dad says, I unhappily turn around to figure out something.

That was not my dad, and for some strange reason the voice sounded fake and practiced...

I jolt into the living room to see me on the screen of our television!

My face was purely happy from seeing Aunt Francine and Dad together, but I never thought I looked that put together and for once pretty!

All the attention in the room turns to me, my heart sputtering and my jaw dropped and within a second when reality it, Aunt Francine drives at me hugging me and screaming compliments,

"I knew you could do it!"

My dad comes around her squeezing me too, as Genevieve and Maria stand surprised by the couch.

And finally after being surprised for so long I let a smile settle onto my lips.

I've done it.

I'm in it.

I'm a daughter of Illéa.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Remember to comment and vote! XOXO -Makayla

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