Chapter 72

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Knives, guns, bombs...needles pulling through my skin, stitching my body irrelevantly. I'd prefer every single of these before having to witness the man I love be the reason the man I love died.

I clawed at the carpet, muffling my sobs into the bitter fabric of the ground. After a safe minute of the body being gone, I took the opportunity.

I wiped my eyes, sure mascara was looking a whole lot more similar to war paint. I hiked up my skinny jeans to my my calfs, and I went to war.

My room was somewhat the same except for the blood splattered into the blue paint. Not making purple, but a distasteful gag reflux.

The dropped crow bar on the ground brung forth a sob, but now wasn't a time for crying. It's a time for vengeance. I picked it up, embrace it's cold metal as he touched this only moments ago.

The trail of body blood led out into the hall. It was clear somewhat. No radicals, but broken potted plants and windows. However, the trail of blood surpassed it all. China and Arena's rooms were empty--safe room. It led down three corridors, up a flight of stairs, and then I caught sight of the man. The killer.

He, too, had on a casual outfit fit with the black and denim. I could only imagine the scar across his face or an eye patch or something sketchy along that line.

"Hey, bastard!" I called, my crow bar in my grasp as I stepped behind him.

"Del-" but a man came around a corner, tackling the killer to the ground. I was all for whooping and cheering him on...but when I saw Gus, no, another man with a bandana laying on the ground with a bullet through his head my pulse quickened.

I don't know if it was excitement or terror, but when I seen the peak of the Caribbean blue from under the swinging rebel, I spun around, knocking the man out and to the ground.

"Your alive." I whispered to the denim owning figure below me.

"I'd think so." Gus laughed sitting up, wiping his hands on his pants.

I couldn't control my movement as I jumped into his arms whispering "your alive" through the tears. "Of course I am, why would you think-" but he stopped, and I felt his heart rate slow down. "I' sorry." He whispered, pressing my forehead to his lips as he held me back.

After disposing the body, we found a safe room. The rebels already left, but the guards commanded we needed a three hour safety check. So we sat. Isolated in a cold cement room for three hours.

You'd think I would get tired or bored, but Augustus Schreave was in my arms the whole time...

"How did it happen?" I muffled into his arms. "How did he die?"

We laid for a few more moments in silence before he replied, "I surprised him. He went to shoot me, I hit his arm...he shot himself." I play with his fingers as he speaks. "I dragged him out because I didn't want a dead body in your room."

"So sincere of you."


"I swear dad, I'm fine." I explained over the phone. "I love you, okay? Alright, bye." I hung up, putting the device back into Cornelia's hands.

Since my bedroom was currently under "reconstruction," they gave me all of my abiding possessions and place me in Rose Ferguson's old room.

The walls were a light tone of pink, and the beds fabric was made of lace. It was an overall nice room with the front view of the palace...but it wasn't mine.

knock, knock, knock.

I turn to see him, the man of the hour standing once again in the casual wear.

"Jeans, hm, gods greatest blessing." I said, nodding at the good look it was giving him.

"Nah, that's you." I look back at him, and I laugh, "Cliché. That's one for the books."

"Yeah," he took a deep breath. "I know...can we, uhm, talk?"

"Sure." I said, not wanting to look up from my suitcase that I was unpacking.

"Why was you so upset...when you thought I died?" He said, laying on the mattress.

"Well, because maybe I thought you died." I answered as though it was obvious.

"No, I mean like...why would you be upset if I died?"

"Well," I thought... "Your Gus. You make laugh, cry, and just can change my whole aspect of a day."

Then it hit me...yes a world without Augustus Maxon Schreave was beyond thinkable, but why was I hurt so bad. I loved him, yes I knew that. However, the real reason hits me hard as the picture of Charleston fell from my suit case.

"Are you okay?" He asks, looking at the picture then to me.

"It's because of me..." I muster.
"Pardon?" He asked.
"Me, me...she's doing this because of me..."
"Not everything's about you, Del." Gus laughed, plopping back down.
"No, no. You don't understand." I said, my voice picking up that panicked tone that it's become well adapted to. At this I begin throwing things back into my suitcase.

"Woah, what are you doing?" He said, catching a few and placing them back on the bed.
"I'm leaving." I said.
"Wait-what?" He sat up, a mark of confusion on his face. I abandoned him at the bed, walking to the door. "You can't just leave...what did I say to you to make you change your mind?" He began following me, stepping in front of the door so I couldn't get out.
"Nothing it was...Willow." I say, looking up at him and then turning back towards the bed. "She's doing this because she's gone from the selection, she's doing this to get back at me-"
"Doing what!?" Gus asked, spinning me around with his hands grasping my shoulders in place.
"Attacking the people..." I say. "Yesterday was a massacre and it was because she's gone..."
"What are you suggesting she's a rebel or-"
"I don't know, okay!" I spat back. "All I know is you almost died and it's because I know things, and she's out of here."

The silence was confirming that what I was saying was true, but he continued on. "That doesn't mean you have to leave-"
"Well then whose dad, or aunt...your sisters or mom? Gus this isn't just a selection anymore. This is life or death and I'm not willing to risk the worse outcome for you because of my selfish need of affection." I said shoving myself out of his hands and back to my bag, where everything I had unpacked was being thrown in at incredible speed.

"Delilah, please consider what your doing!"
"Saving you? Your family...I can't risk you getting hurt again."

He walked out. Out of fury or confusion...all I know is I lay on my bed beside my packed bag, and all that reeks in my mind is the thought of a normal life without Augustus Schreave.
That escalated quickly.
Death, love, leaving...
The next chapter is the best tho tbh.
I apologize it took longer then 10 minutes I had to read through it.
I apologize these last two chapters kind of suck, but I'm rushing. Lolol

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