Chapter 47

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Have you ever seen a jar that's contained with an element? Like a jar filled with water, or full of the most polluted air? this situation my jar is roasting in fire. I'm ever rarely a mad person. Clermont for me was a mental hell hole, so I was always mad there. So coming into the selection was my escape. Escape from all the madness and the continuous torture. Though I've had my fair share of eruptions every once in a while...
like with Piper at the beginning, when Gus tried to make a move on me, with Maria at the tea party, on Piper again... I guess you can say my natural source of anger revolved around the Queen Bee Piper, but now we got an actual Princess to compete with- how fair is that?!

"Delilah, dearest hurry up!" Patsy urges. She reminds me a mother honestly. The way she tries to sound sweet, but then whatever she says is in an honoring rush. I wonder if she has any kids.

"Fineeeeee." I groan, stepping out of the tub so they can get my ready for our results after breakfast.


After them refusing to lie to the Queen and King and about my whereabouts, saying that I was "sick" when I clearly was just sleeping was no longer an option, so I got bedazzled for their sake.
They threw me violently in a dress, and spun up my hair in a cute bun supported by a cute blue ribbon to match my short blue day dress, and sent me on my way.

"Don't use sharp utensils today, okay?" Charleston mumbles in my ear with a giggle as we strut down the halls and stairs of the palace.
"No promises."

I done the usual routine. Walked in, curtsied to the royals, and went to my seat to wait for food to be served.
Apparently China didn't get the memo, as for when she came in she strutted straight to her seat. Though being the respectful person Willow is, she guided her back the royals and properly showed her how to curtsy.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness. That was very disrespectful of me." The way China speaks so respectful and fluent English makes me wonder if that is even her.

"Hey, China..." I say across Gemma, as our breakfast arrives.
"How did you learn to speak fluent English in just a couple of days?"
"Well for starters, my intelligence level is at is maximum amount so maybe that's why. Try it sometime."
It took every artery, vein, bone, muscle, intellectual instinct, and Amelia, Charleston, Olivia, and Gemma's glares to stop me from pouncing over this table, and violently beating her to the pulp.
I feel like the mean girl. Though who could blame me?


"So ladies, these are the results from the parties! Some were done extremely well and others..."
I rest in the corner of the room next to Arena who likes sitting next to the window because the sun enlightens her. I don't know if that was supposed to be a joke about photosynthesis or something, but I smiled weakly and adjusted my attention to the Queen and Cornelia.

So they snatched off the cloth covering the results, and there rested our fate.

1st: Gemma Giles & Olivia Butera

Theirs was obviously the best! They had many Italian foods, traditions, and the feeling was just lighter in general and everyone already knew that they were going to win this, like everything else.

2nd: Delilah Primar & Arena Glass

I felt accomplished. Not that I got second place, but that I didn't get last. Though I honestly believe we could've gotten first if it wasn't for China, but whatever.

3rd: Charleston Tonks & Willow Jennings

Theirs was pretty fun to be honest. For the French twins, they basically threw a humongous party with bouncy castles and famous boy bands- surprised me by their second to last rank.

Then coming in last...

4th: Piper Star & Amelia Tyler

Their party would've been good, but Prince Marsh's sister was a bit of a drinker. There fore alcohol was provided, and there fore Amelia got absolutely wasted.

"I'd hate to announce, that this weeks evicted is Lady Amelia. Your uncontrolled drinking was really irresponsible, and I hate to see you go, but the parties were publicly broadcasted so I don't think that was really respectful."

Amelia didn't break down. I don't even think she cried. She just curtsied, and walked out of the room talking excessively about who she'll be with next. A major mood swing if you ask me, but what happened next was far from expected.

A huddle of guards marched in, and one mumbled something to the Queen, I'm assuming the head guard.
A look of despair and sadness reaped Hero's confident smile, as she begged for Olivia to step out into the hall with her.

The next thing I heard wasn't a simply quiet conversation, but screams. Screams of absolute horror and hurt.

I found my way out the door first to see Olivia on the ground, screaming until her voice could take no more.
I bowed on the ground, held her against my chest as she screamed the steady names of "Daphne" and "Mom." When I looked to Hero for reassurance she nodded.
Olivia Butera's family had been killed.
"Rebels?" I mouthed, and she nodded.

Olivia squirmed, crying until all that was left was smeared mascara and invisible tears.

"It'll all be okay." I rocked her in my arms, as everyone else just stood by and held grief in silence.

"I want to go home." And with Olivia's exasperated words, I knew she truly meant it.
A guard picked her up, and toted her to her room to retrieve her things.

In that moment, we were down to seven.
Happy January 1st! Lol, Idek if that's a thing.
QOTC: Worst Fear? Not like losing family, but like ghosts or bugs or something like that. Irrational fears more like. Worst Irrational fear?
AOTC: spiders will be the death of me.
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