Chapter 50

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The rebels left hours later. Their reason was unknown, but what we do know was that soldiers and others were wounded, one being my friend Gemma. After the attack many of the selected went back to their rooms to call their parents and have breakfast in peace, but I had another idea.

The medical wing sector of the palace is really cold. Like the chilling breeze of death- wouldn't be surprised if it was. It smelt like medicines and elderly people as I made my way threw the infirmary room doors in a simple purple dress. She laid in the first bed, in a daze like trance.

"Hey Delilah..." Gemma groaned, her eyes half open making me mistaken her to be sleep talking. Though like the crazy person I am I reply.

"Hey, Gemma." I sit in the visitors chair beside her bed and I pat her hand. "Are you feeling better?" She nods simply, wires running around her body along with an IV, and a small blood tank.

" it true?"
"Is what true?" I asked.
"That you removed the bullet."
To her it must feel like a blurry medicine induced hallucination, but it was far from that. It was reality.
"Yeah...wasn't a big deal."
"It was, Delilah. That was a very courageous thing to do..."
I absorb in her words, modestly nodding as a nurse comes to her aid.

"How are you, miss?" I question the elderly woman in her usual attire.
"I'm doing swell. How about you, Lady Delilah? Are you a bit shaken up?"
"No. I got over it fairly quickly. Will she be okay?" I ask, as she grins taking out her IV and slowly sitting her up along with her pillows.
"She's fantastic. You did a pretty good job on that procedure considering you aren't a doctor. I'm impressed."
I nod, "Thanks."
"By the way, if you don't pursue the princess title. How about you think about a doctors degree? That would be very well paid, and with your talent bonuses!"

A voice booms louder than the nurse or mine as I jump at the sudden noise.
"Well, maybe we can try to avoid it."
Augustus comes in, still in his night clothes. A nice v-line grey t-shirt with red plaid pajama pants.
"Nice outfit."
He smirks, his golden hair all rustled to one side.
"I'll let you burrow it sometime."
My checks flushed a rose red as I turn my attention Gemma.

"How are you, dear?" He asks Gemma, sitting at the end of the bed.
"I'm good. Though I hate to admit this..."
"Well what?" He asks.
"...I want to go home. Where no rebels will target more for no apparent reason, and I can be safe with my mom, dad, and little brother."

I expected him to feel hurt and beg her not to leave, but he stands and bows.
"If that's what you wish, I'm sad to see you go. I'll let the guards know and when you feel your capable of traveling let me know. It was nice having you in my selection, Gemma. Now, Lady Delilah. I assume you wanted to speak."
I curtsy to Gemma and the nurse, and exit the infirmary with the childish royal following me like a lost puppy.

"We can't talk here?" His tone is subtle and weary like he's about to knock out any minute.
"If you want to go to sleep, go ahead. I'm not keeping you. I can wait."
"No, I'll go. And I promise I'll stay awake threw your boring verbal diary." I turn around and the glare I give him stops him right in his track.
"Or...I can stay awake for the exciting lecture?"
We reach the selected's floor, and i twist the knob allowing Augustus and I in.

"So..." He walks over and sits on my bed. "...tell me your day, dear."
I pull my straightened blonde hair into a messy bun. Tinsley's going to kill me. "If you ever call me dear again, suicide would sound like a rational idea." I joke, jumping onto the bed beside him, sprawled out like a failed snow angel.
"Talk." He commands, laying down beside me.
"I don't know, it's just..." I turn my head looking at his rather focused face pushed against the comforter.
"Go ahead."
"Well, I killed someone."
"Are you talking about the rebel? That was brilliant, Del." he said, using a lot of confusing hand motions.
"That was not brilliant! Gus, I killed someone! Even though they would've killed us, I just can't live with this. I committed murder."
He scoots closer as if prepared to explain. "Think of it like this. You protected us. Your a hero."
I interrupt remembering the night of Christmas Eve, "You've always been the hero, Augustus."
"You saved Gemma and I, and you saved her life singularly, and then saved her again. Your literally oozing heroism right now, and I'm so glad to say-" he cuts himself off, obviously about to say something he shouldn't.
"To say what?"
He swallows, and sits up looking down on me.
"Do you still have the necklace?"
I feel the heart emblem under my gown right below my collar and all the romantic memories that came with it.
"Then that's it already."
"What is?"
He stood, and then sat back down very hesitant about something. I can't stand to see him so confused.
"Whatever, so tell me about your day? You've done smudged up against so many girls, give me the normal ritual!"
He smiles and even though he doesn't say it, he thanks me with his dark blue eyes that match the dreamy midnight sky.
"Well," he sits back down. "For starters I'm bummed Olivia was gone."
"Why, do you miss her kisses?" I tease as his heart drops.
"How did you know?"
"Well for starters she was boasting about it to the whole Women's Room. Then-"
"Did she mention how good I was?" Completely not the reaction I was expecting, as I laugh.
"Yes, actually she did. Though all the others girls started screaming and crying remembering when they kissed you. Screaming about awful it was-" he pushes me, rolling me over, and he rolls with me.
"You think your slick, huh?" He pinches at my waist and eventually he stops, giggling at my endless laughter.
Once I wipe the humorous tears I see it. I see the minimum amount of distance between us and I feel the need to shrink the distance.
He smiles, and his fingers begin to trace my restless palm as my heart sputters out my chest.
That's when I do it. I make the first move.
I lean in slow, to make the moment feel true and to give him enough time to fall in to, and eventually he does. I feel his breath arising onto my skin. I feel the crisp of his lips touch the tip of mine and a sudden need for him hits me. Though before our lips touch my door opens.
I jump back so quick, suddenly examining the border of the bed.
"Prince Augustus, isn't this design just darling?" I ask, as he nods looking over my shoulder.
"It is, Lady Delilah."
I turn back and I see the guard coming in. "I'm sorry for interrupting that little...examination, but King Everette wishes of your presence, Your Highness."
Gus rolls his eyes as he rolls off the bed. "It was a pleasure examining your furniture, Miss." He bows and walks to the open door.
"Women and their furniture? Am I right?" He mumbles to the guard that laughs softly, and then he shuts the door.

I sprung backwards into the center of my mattress and that's when I felt it. The happiness and the security. I felt something for him that was easy to find, but hard to admit.

I love Augustus Maxon Schreave.
Y'all wanted romance, so I dangled it in front of your face and snatched it away.
QOTC: Favorite Beverage?
AOTD: orange juice, DUHH.
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