Chapter 41

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That feeling you get when you want something to happen, and the dream comes true? The jitteriness in your feet and that unstoppable pulse in your heart making you spas out in excitement every couple of minutes.
That cause of that feeling was my ultimate Christmas present.

It all started when Gus and I snuck into the dining room, unseen due to the flock of servants that were descending out of the kitchen and into the room with us.

It was a usual dinner. We sat with our families, chatting about our new temporary life at the palace. Dad would stir around in his food while Aunt Francine would playfully smack him, and occasionally send a flying orange slice onto his plate so it would distract him long enough to discipline her. I wonder what it would be like to have a kin sibling. Someone who had your genetics, and knew everything you hated and would do purposely just to annoy you. Believe or not, I want that. I watch as Gemma eats some of her rice, and waits until no ones looking so she can stick out her tongue and disgust her little brother who laughs and mocks her doing the same. She's a gorgeous two with an un-stereotypical kind attitude. She has a gorgeous smile, with short flowing hair. It's a rich brown sinking into a light caramel, making her appear almost Indian despite her Illéan culture.

"Sir, I don't understand your request." At King Everette's words the whole room tones down to absolute silence.
Nosey people.

The guard straightens his posture noticing all the attention he received.
"Your highness, due to orders from General Anders and yours from your recent meeting, we must make an arrest."
Anders is Everette's brother. They both had their selection at the same time. Odd, but sensible. Turns out Everette was born only minutes before Anders, giving him the crown. Anders however didn't take grief, as he became the head general. I guess that somewhat gives him the power to help decide arrests, along side Everette of course.
"Oh- uhm...okay. Just wait until after dinner please. We don't need any more commotion than there has been in the recent days."
And with that he gestures for the guard to exit, as he takes his seat with his family for the rest of Christmas dinner.

The rest of dinner the selected and their families sputter about what's to happen, and whose the arrest going to happen too?
Breaking the ice, dad bothers to ask.
"So, what happened to the douche bag?" It takes me a moment to realize his questions about Officer Wesley.
I shake my head.
"I have no idea. Due to books, he would either be publicly executed, publicly caned, or just put into prison with no physical harm. We would've known about his execution or caning, so their probably still pending in thought about what to do." I state intelligently.

By the end of dinner, everyone's crouched at the table whispering about the unknown mischief maker. Majority of the people are done, but just sit so they can just see what breaks down with the arrestee.
As I finish my last few bites I look around. All the girls are eyeing each other like their scared, but I know their all eager for drama considering it's been lacking lately between the girls.
I cough interrupting the silence between the selected and the royals as I wrap the cloak around me. Everyone eyes me suspiciously as my family and I stand to leave.
"Did I do something?"
Some simply just roll their eyes at my rather rude comment, but I bid them a goodnight and exit into the hall.

A sudden flash of moment crosses my vision sending the fight or flight method threw my veins. Unfortunately I choose fight as I rear back my right fist and wale my fist into their face.
Once reality hits me, my hands are at my face as I apologize over and over to the guard with blood oozing from his nose.
"What happened?" Hero rushes threw the doorway, as I stand astonished.
I want to reply, but between my Aunt laughing and my father trying to restore his sanity, I'm lost of words.
"Don't worry Your Highness. I startled her." He rises his face as I recognize his light tint of strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. Officer Feldspar.
Then he smirks, tilting his head forward as all of the other in the dining room rush to see what had happened.
"Good arm by the way."
I force a laugh, as a maid rushes around the corner with a cloth.
"Officer Feldspar, I am so sorry!" I apologize for about the fiftieth time.
"Don't worry about it. If I can take a bullet, I can take a hit from a rather strong girl."
He laughs as the maid leads him off towards the infirmary.
That's when I notice the voices from inside the dining room. The girls. Most of them whisper about my lack of class and some whisper about how rude and cruel I was, but I ignore them. If I let it get to me, one of them will be reporting to infirmary soon.
That's when the swarm of guards swoosh from a connected hallway and straight in my direction.
My eyes bulge at the thought of me hurting Feldspar. Will I be punished? Will I be arrested for a mistake as silly as that?
"If you will please all go do something that doesn't require hallway access, that would be grand. " Says King Everette stepping out of the doorway with Hero at his side, letting all of the curious and nosey families and selected wander by.
"Please stay." She asks me, and that's when I feel the gravity grip my insides as it jerks me and nausea courses threw me.
I step to the side, when I see a presence of a demon walk up to me on her way to the women's room. It isn't a demon, but it might as well be.
"Looks like you won't be enjoying your stay after all." Piper scoffs, but I hold up my hand instantly revealing the dried blood on my knuckles. At this, she rolls her eyes but I feel the fear radiate off of her as she skitters away.
Then I hear Hero say something else,
"I'll need you to stay too."
I turn too see Maria and Genevieve standing in our bubble.
I want to ask what their doing here, but in those seconds the officers all line up in the formal line as the head chief steps forward.
"Maria Khroker, you are under arrest for Code 71: Bribing any source of government for property/provinces."
I can't help feel a laugh rise, but then fall as the fear of why we're here.
"But-but." Maria had no excuse for her stupidity.
We all stand huddled around her as the head chief places cuffs around her as they begin go urge her out of the front door as she screams rather inappropriate cursing. Then Hero bids.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Khroker. If you need any of your possessions we'll send them to you in your new home in Clermont. Your now considered as a six, and I apologize deeply, but those who do the crime do the time. You have jail for a year. Genevieve, any last words to your mother before she leaves?" Hero asks.
The way she stand with such posture and patience with this woman whose literally mental is just pure talent.
Genevieve shakes her head.
"I'm going with her. That's my mom. She's in prison, so am I, but can I get different outfit besides them? Their kind of- icky." She says as the other guard steps forward cuffing her just our of her asking for it.
"Oh, and Delilah." She turns, catching me by surprise.
"Yes, Genevieve?"
She smiles, and for once it's not photogenic. It's not for a photoshoot or for her fans. She smiles sympathetically.
"Win this. And tell Piper Star that she needs to keep her mouth shut. No one can bully you, but me."
"I'll tell her."
She smiles, and in a second their shoved out the door to their new lives as sixes.
"See ya on the flip side!" I say threw the now shut chamber door.
King Everette smiles broadly, and rather attractively for his age. "Just thought you should see her leave. Especially you, Miller. I wanted to see your tears of joy."
Dad playfully wipes away an imaginary tear, as we thank them and bid them goodnight.
"Oh, wait a minute." And with that I ditch them halfway up the stairs and I run all the way into the Women's Room where most of the selected and their feminine family members sit.
"Piper!" I call out, stepping forward still catching my breath.
"Look what the cat dragged in!" She scoffs, but I step up to her height.
"You can't bully me no more."
She looks sarcastically stunned, or more like stupid.
"Oh really?"
I laugh, "Yeah. It was never your job anyway."
Here goes the chapter! I hope you enjoyed this considering Genevieve left the selection, and Maria was arrested so it's a very YAY CHAPTER! Lol
QOTC: Favorite Christmas Present?
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Ily all and stay safe during the holidays!💕👋

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