Chapter 10

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The ride there was not fun whatsoever. It's was full of complete and utter awkwardness. I just sat there twirling the strap of my bag between my fingers as everyone just stared off into a magazine or the window.

As I began to see the fans outside the window, I couldn't have felt happier. We pulled up in front of this silver jet and I was the first out, nerves shaking threw me...I've never flown before.

"It's alright,"

I turn my head to see Charleston's hand rested on my shoulder with a glistening white smile.

"Statistically, 1/10 flights fail, and usually it's because it flew over an attack hazard and one of the guns got the best of the engines, but that's rare now...we have better built planes."

Dumbfounded, I just strode forward with her by my side.

"How do you know all this?"

She creeps a smile as we begin to board the plane,

"Well I had to fly in a jet to a convention in New Asia to receive a Global Prize, and I had to do my research."

I absorb the information about her, and I have a seat in one of the farthest from the windows as Charleston sits across from mine so were face to face.

I anxiously wait for the plane to take off, and when it does I begin to curiously continue the conversation.

"So why did you receive a Global Prize?"

She begins to smirk,

"Because back in Kent, I was a 3. Well anyways, I had prepared a speech for my class-"

I accidentally interrupted but I couldn't help the surprising satisfaction,

"What was it about?"

She didn't seem hurt from my interruption but anxious.

"It was a mixture between teenage lives and politics, about teens now are being labeled and pushed to the edge, and about how our country is being labeled as weak, and well New Asia found it inspiring and asked me to come for a presentation, receiving a Nobal Prize." She stops and takes a breath from the rush of words.

This girl really has her life put together...I bet her parents are proud.

"So, enough about me, what about you?"

I take a breath...

"Well, I'm pretty boring. I had a pretty normal life for about four years back in six-"

Her strong northern accent interrupts,

"But your a two?"

I smirk, "I'm getting there. Well anyways, at four my mom died from a tragic case of pneumonia,"

Her mouth performs a perfect circle as she gasps.

"Well It took years to get my dad back on his when I turned 13 he got his head to high in the skies and spotted a two, Maria Khroker."

Her brow furrows in confusion as she begins to point at Genevieve-

"Oh yes. Well Maria wouldn't go stay with my dad back at six so, she tipped off the government so she instead he could come to here."

Her eyes enlarge mouthing the word selfish.

"So anyway, we went with her and stayed in her two story home back in Clermont. I became Genevieve's slave, so when I made this she was mad."

I make sure to keep my voice in a whisper so she wouldn't hear our conversation.

"Wow, Delilah, that's a tough life...and I honestly admire you a little bit for it."

Her last words take me back; someone admiring me? Before I could continue thinking about my new 'admirer' the tall perky lady struts in,

"Ladies, I'm Cornelia, a fellow escort of Angeles! We're arriving now so when we land, follow the concrete landing all the way to the limousine. Remember there's thousands of fans, so acknowledge them please."

The plane begins to dive, and that's when I know...I'm in Angeles.

The door of the plane swings open and the celebrity known as Piper Star of Bonita struts out, one dazzling red heel in front of the other as she stalks down the stairs of plane, her amazing brunette bun not effected by the wind at all, nor is her amazingly done makeup smeared or smudged;

Next is Genevieve, her light brown locks bouncing as she steps out to the crowd;

Then Charleston strides out, smiling her pearly whites and waving her elegant wave;

Last and of course least, me.

I step in the door frame, the dazzling sun blinding me as the thousands of people seeking to see the newly selected scream.

I give an awkward wave and adjust my glasses as I start behind Charleston onto the concrete pavement.

The guards and the ropes hold back the people and I hear some calling "DELILAH!" Which brings a nice smile grin upon my lips.

I walk along the side, waving and shaking hands with Illéan citizens.

I see this one sign held up by this young girl, 12 I'd say, with spectacles just like mine rested on her nose while her sign reads,

"Queens Wear em' Best!"

With a simple pair of painted glasses on the poster board.

I quickly stride to her shaking her hand and pulling her into a hug,

"It's amazing to meet you Lady Delilah!"

I smile,

"Well it's a pleasure to meet such a dedicated fan!"

I say catching a picture with her.


My attention turns to the limousine a few yards away where Genevieve pretends she doesn't know me, and waves me over aggravated.

I turn to the huge crowd and send them a kiss,


And with that I hop into the long black car.


Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! Remember to vote and comment! Love y'all! XOXO -Makayla

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