Chapter 24

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It's been an official week here in the royal palace.
Not only is the fact bizarre, but the things that's happened so far.

I've been on a date.
Ruined the date.
Got advice from the Princess Aria.
Witnessed a murder.
Got violently tackled by Augustus.
Spoke at a funeral.
And that leads to the current moment.

Today's Friday, which means it's the night for Illéa Capitol Report.
All day, starting from breakfast, everyone's been buzzing spontaneously,
"What will you wear?"
"I'm going to be famous!"
And, "I wonder what the special is on?"

Around noon, we all went down to the woman's room, and had our last etiquette lesson before they took over the room and made it into a eligible show like set.
They just reminded us of the simple things when in front of an audience:
•When wearing a dress, kick & step.
•No "Yeah." Ladies, say "Yes."
Just the basics really.

Back at the room, the dazzling process began.
I was scrubbed every which way, from all three ladies, with this soap that smelt like vanilla; according to Patsy, it's because the prince loves vanilla.
After I was dry, and sprayed and rubbed down with naturally good smelling oils, then began the hair styling.
Tinsley decided to take my blonde hair and in strands she curled it, pinning it up do where it eventually became a curly bun, with perfect ringlets falling from my temples and the stray baby hairs that just wouldn't fit.
Wanda did my makeup. Dabbing a peachy color on my lips, and a darker foundation to make me look not as washed out.
Then finally it was time for he most important factor: the dress.
It was beyond gorgeous- stunning.
It's a dashing tangerine, with crystals and the most detailed beading I've ever seen. It's has a sexy strapless mermaid figure, going from my breasts, all the way to my calfs before going it's short poofy distance to the ground.

It found it's way on my body in the most perfect way, soothing my hips and love handles.

"Oh miss, you look irresistible!" Stated Patsy, standing back in awe, at my slight Barbie Doll look.

"Now go, run! I want there to be spare time for you to rub it in their face."

After putting on my white beaded necklace, I obeyed. I strutted down the hall, figuring my way threw the workers putting up the panes in the windows and cleaning the blood from the walls.
When I made my way into the completely different women's room, it was odd.
Everyone that was in a certain radius of me done the unthinkable...they stopped and stared, gazing at me in admiration.
I swallowed, and stepped forward towards Charleston. Her red hair is done in curly locks, with a gorgeous, and I mean an absolute gorgeous, dress on! It's baby pink, strapless, with the Cinderella look, as she stepped in front of me.

"What have you done with my friend?" She asks, gaping at me with her gorgeous doll like face.

"I have no idea..." I sigh jokingly, as we walk around the small perimeter of the room.

That's when I hear an unconcerning, deceitful cough behind me, as Piper scoffs, "Oh look what strutted out of the pumpkin patch? Though this one just seems abnormal big- even for a human."

I turn my heels around looking at her beautiful figure, it's just her attitude that makes her ugly. She's smirking and giggling to Genevieve and Rose Ferguson.

"Before you insult someone else about what they look like, you might want to take a reality check. I'm not a Barbie, in fact I'm far from ever being one, but honey-" I pause, putting on a sleek smile, "-if you got curves, you use them." I scoff.

"Guys look!" She gets everyone's attention, "It can talk!"

I take a deep breath as I step forward, Charleston grabbing my wrist from me doing anything I shouldn't be.

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