Chapter 18

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I kept re-reading the sentence repetitively as if I mis-read something or if I'm either hallucinating off of induced mysterious gases; though it was pretty clear, the words bolded in highlighter, "Therefore will you go on a date with me?"

It was more than shocking...which led to my near action of fainting, as I quickly laid down on the bed with the books pages slipped open laying like a split on my chest as I begin to trace the spine of the story.

Prince Augustus asked me, out of twenty-eight other girls, on a one-on-one. To be technical the FIRST one-on-one. Should I? Of course I should, but I just can begin to comprehend the possibilities. What if I begin to actually like him? I wasn't even planning on staying for long, and that would just conclude to me being hurt.

You know what, I just need to calm down and take a breath of fresh air.

Knock, Knock.

What if it was Prince Augustus? How could I speak to him? I'm not used to this dating/flirting thing.

My heart pounding at an unsustainable speed, I open the door, with my eyes cringed shut in fear that he was before me. Though when a voice much deeper came into tune, I dropped my cringing look and confronted the servant in front of me.

"This is from your Aunt, miss." He dropped into a bow, and waltzed off back down the hall.

I slowly look at the cream colored envelope and like a vicious animal, I tore it open. I rushed to the balcony, and sat on the velvet chair, bringing my glasses with me so I can read more appropriately.

Dear Delilah,
I spoke to you dad and he said might not understand why you wanted to leave, but he said he loved you dearly and wishes you the best (subtracting the line he mentioned about hands being kept their theirselves.) I can't believe your there! It's just an AMAZING thought! Anyways, keep you head high and if he likes you go for it! Don't worry about missing us. Plus, don't doubt yourself. The reason you signed up, was because of us. Though the reason you went, was all yours. You didn't HAVE to do anything. I love you, Delilah. I hope your dad, and I, can come soon. I miss you, and I wish you the best. Smile for the cameras!
Love, Aunt Francine.

Her words have always been inspirational. Which led me to my final decision.


Dinner surprisingly wasn't awkward. I still had on my baby pink dress, and after I read Aunt Francine's letter, I reunited with Wanda, Patsy, and Tinsley who fixed my hair from my dramatic moment.
I wanted to look my best.
After my meal, I began to get dessert. Grabbing "politely" for some cake, and any extra sweets we were hungry for. I just sat unusually, and devoured my food, when I looked up for a split second to see Prince Augustus staring my way. My mouth full of food, I turn my head and chewed the food at an extravagant rate.
While half of the girls were reaching across the table, eating snacks, and most still gossiping about him giving me a book, I managed to look across and see him at his parents table. And for once I sent him a comforting smile.
He looks at me with a smirk and a questioning vibe radiating off of him, as what happened next wasn't awkward, more like off guard.
Above the whispers, but below the loud laughs, I managed one word.
I three lettered word that he laughed flirtatiously at... "Yes."
Sorry it's so short!! I tried! Lol.
Go read my friends story, "The Chosen" By: @Toribella999
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