Chapter 74

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The silence was condoning my skull as my thoughts swam about my brain in a discombobulated fashion.

"Come here you,"

The fourth person on my list to say goodbye to was before me, standing in a striking golden gown hugging her rather petite body, and her black hair was folded down against her shoulders.

I've never craved Arena's presence, but when she wrapped her arms around me, all tension for this selection flew away. This is my friend. In Atlin I never had friends, but here, after someone I loved died, she was here for comfort.

"I always thought it would be you," she whispers into my ear before squeezing me one last time.

I didn't know whether to thank her or to just say good luck, but another voice corrupted the moment.

"Delia." China's voice remained perched and dominant, obviously finding herself superior which wasn't quiet hard since she's like 6'4 and has the body of a needle.
"It's Delilah." I forced a smile, holding out my hand and she shook it sternly before turning on her heels and walking over to the Women's Room.

I shook my head, not wanting to look up and meet eyes with the royals.
"Hey," I look up and Everette's holding a pad of some sorts and on the screen is none other then the Irish heirs, Aria and Marsh. Her voice is hinting the accent and her face is as radiant as ever. "I may not be there, but I realize the harshness of the situation. I fully support you in any situation you may over come and hey, you should come visit us sometime."
It's when the technology formed voice falters that I realized that the video they sent me was done, and the pixels that once formed Aria went black.

"She's right." Everette speaks, formalities and dominance all gone. "I know this decision was rough on you, but visiting won't ever be a trouble. Send a letter or a call and..." He stops himself and outstretches his hand, "it was a honor doing duty with you Sargent." I almost want to laugh, but the hurt of the situation stops me. "You too."

Next, was the Queen herself. Her tall lingering figure stood before me with Alexandrea propped against her hip. Her stomach was large now, like birth in a week or less. Or at least the shadow under her stunning white told me.

"Hey, cutie." I pinch the young princesses cheek before Hero begins to speak.

"I will truly miss you, Delilah." She begins, and it's right when I actually look at her that I find the tears in her eyes.

"My son has bizarre tastes, yes, but you were always indeed my favorite." And with that she grabs me with her free hand and tucks me under her arm in the comforting smell of lilacs and coconut. "Just be careful...I don't think the real world could ever contain such a wild mustang like yourself." And it's when she wipes my lone tear strolling down my face that the realism of the situation hits.

I won't ever see these people again. The family I've grown to know and love as my own, gone. Forever. But it's for their safety.

I shuffle forward, gripping Hero's finger tips before stopping to a hault, waiting for the last goodbye that'll never come. I turn around one, two, three, four, and five counting China.

"Where's-" but I stop.

The rooms filled with this large mass of tension that could be cut with a knife. "I'm so sorry." Hero chokes and rests her head on Everette's shoulder, taking the leave rather roughly.

He didn't come to say goodbye. My breathing begins to heave as my body molds itself into the doorway of the palace.

I look at the room full of beings I would take bullets for and smile one last smile before stepping down the marble staircase. Each step putting a heavier stone on my shoulders. Wasn't leaving for the good? Wasn't it supposed to help me breath?

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