Chapter 19

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The pressure was ultimately on.
My maids were whipping around the room, getting everything ready.

My gown was wrapped in a white bag on my bed, as I sat in front of my night stand as they prepped me up.
They stuck with some natural, all tans and whites...along with some pale pink lip bomb.

My hair is down, in faint curls, my bangs hanging in my face making me appear vague.

"Oh miss, the dress! We have to get your dress!" Prince Augustus- by note- told me that we will be having a private dinner down in the gardens, and that he will pick me up at 6 on the dot. We were only 20 minutes away from that 'dot' so I'm literally panicking.

I waltz quickly over to Wanda and Patsy who snatch off the cover and reveals the dress to me.

It's absolutely gorgeous. It's a pale blue gown. The top has one sharp neckline leaving my shoulder to the chest, right above my concealed breasts. Then mid waist the tight top bursts into a long flowing skirt. I slip into it not hesitating a single second.

Then lastly, as always, I tie the knot of my white beaded necklace around my neck to keep my family close to my heart for this unnerving night to come.

Knock Knock.

In that one single moment, my dignity flies away as I begin to fix stranded hairs and check my teeth for no wandering lip gloss. Reminds me of Genevieve when Prince Augustus would appear on the television like he could actually see her.

I take one sudden breath, and pull open the huge oak door.

There he stands. His usual attire is replaced with a very neat suit with a bow tie, like he's a attending a prom. His golden hair is combed back, like usual, and as always, he has a guilty smirk plastered on his face.

He may appear as a gentlemen, but his teenage boy leaks threw like magma.

"Wow..." He looks at me with big eyes an his mouth agape.
" look astonishing."

I hold back a laugh as I scoff, "That's some big vocabulary, Romeo." Shutting the door behind me we begin to walk down the corridor.

"I do strive."

The rest of the walk is quiet and particularly awkward considering I wouldn't take his arm.

We walk down the hall, passed the dining hall where the girls jealously eye me as I walk by, and to the back doors to the garden.

"Feldspar," Prince Augustus says to the tall charming guard.
"Sir, enjoy you dinner." And he and the other guard swing open the door to reveal the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed.

Beyond me was long beautiful trees with flowers slowly growing older. Bushes, and I mean many bushes lined the stone walls with colorful flowers and berries. A stone path lead in two different directions around the fountain and threw the garden in a maze like structure. To spruce it up, there were lights, like Christmas lights strung from tree to tree, making the dark much more appealing.

I looked up to see Prince Augustus walking with his hands tied back him, for once not smirking, but smiling at his work as he lead the way threw the maze like garden.

In the dead middle of the garden is a huge stone circle where all the paths of the garden meet into one.
In the center is a table. A candle light in the middle with two plates destined for food to lay upon them by the candles side.

"It's gorgeous..." I gasp.

He smiles and pulls out the chair for me as I hesitantly scoot in, and he finds hisself in front of me.

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