Chapter 26

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The way Princess Aria and Prince Marsh waltzed around the gardens felt like a fantasy...even as a witness.
She looked thrilled as they talked at a candle lit table surrounded by the thousands of petals.
It reminded myself of my first date with Augustus. The whole acre of gardens was lit with white bulbs, lighting my way to the darkness of the night. Of course, that was the night I found Augustus' true sweet colors, none of which I expected.

I walk back into my room, and stare at the colors of my room. The walls reek a blood red, making the room look menacing or sexual.

"Hey, Patsy?" Her small stubby figure skipped around the corner, out of the bathroom.
"Yes dear?"
I nod towards the walls, and to all the matching decorations.
"Make a note, for me to redo this room..."
She grabs a paper and pen, and then a splash of confusion etches on her face, "But miss, do you wish us too? After all that's been happening lately, and were recommended from the best."
I smile, as she begins to scribble down my order.
"Patsy, I'm fine with giving my room a makeover. It'll give me something to do." I quickly stride over to the dresser fixing my hair for the day, "All I ask, is you make me some green floral curtains, and bedspread to match. And if not, order them, because this room decor isn't doing any justice to my mood."
She grins widely, her lips flapping, "Yes miss, will do."
And she strides out the room with me behind her.


Princess Aria was 15 minutes late for our gathering in the Great Hall. Of course, I wasn't surprised nor mad when I discovered it was because of her thousandth date with Prince Marsh.

Her hair was frilling about in curls with a fresh yellow lily tucked behind her ear.

"Hello ladies." Her ecstatic voice echoes off the tall walls.
We all replied in unison.

"As you all know about the charitable fashion show, I'd like you to know I have begun creating the outfits."
All the girls clapped, but the girly girls spazzed out for a small fortunate minute.

"Anyways, I have the young foreigners with me this evening. I will distribute one out to each of you. You will introduce them to the castle, ease them up to the royal environment. Then tomorrow, Cornelia will hold an etiquette lesson specifically for the benefit. Then Wednesday the benefit will be held, and broadcasted nationally." Her hands intwine properly, as Cornelia hands her a clipboard which reads the aliens.

"When I call your name, step forward, and your new friend will meet you outside the door. Allissa...Rose..."
The list went on for a couple of minutes until she cracked a grin and said, "...Delilah..."
I marched one foot in front of the other all the way to the huge wood chamber doors where the guard voluntarily opens it for me.

There stood a young boy. He's around three foot with dark skin. His eyes are small and desperate with a hint of a chocolate glare. His smile, denies his eyes lies, as it sends a vibrant tone of warmth at me.

I prop my hands on my knees as I squat to his height.

"Hey..." I smile. "I'm Delilah. What's your name?"

He grins, obviously understanding me, "I am Jack."

"Jack?" His accent catches me off guard, especially since it sound like "JOK."
"Jack." He replies sharply.

I grin and take up his arm in mine, "Well Jack, welcome to the land of royalty."
HEYYYYY! I'm sorry I haven't update lately, and that this isn't that interesting, but the next two should be pretty GREAT!
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-Makayla, xoxo

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