Chapter 33

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The rest of the night is full of dark early December thoughts, retaining itself even from my comprehension.
I take Augustus' words and absorb the clues from his text.
He's either critiquing or criticizing.
Either way leaves me oblivious.

I should ditch my grown insecurities of the riches and glitter, to for-fill why I actually came.
But why did I actually come?
Was it because of Aunt Francine and dad?
After all, Aunt Francine did say she encouraged me signing up, but coming was an independent equation that I solved by arriving in Angeles.

It doesn't matter. If coming her was for me, or for my family. All I know, is that it has changed my life forever.


"Ladies, I bet your wondering why we have all gathered you here today..."
Cornelia's voice high pitched with an edge of uncertainty.
"...Prince Augustus Schreave, please allow yourself into the women's room!"
The double doors of the women's styling/gossiping room open, and in comes the figure I have accidentally done wrong so many times.
His face usually is broadly shining with radiancy or gleaming with flamboyance, but this time it has bags under his eyes from a stressful night.
He stops in the center of the remaining girls as his stern mono-tone voice begins...
We all casually reply, not bothering to curtsy in either sympathy or curiosity.
"Unfortunately, we're past the mark that the Elite would usually be determined, and there's still many of you all. Due to the public, and my fathers long persuading, I've decided that since it's early before Christmas, and since many of you would like to be home for the Holidays I think it's time to narrow down the number to the official nine."
Many gasps shoot around the room, along with scared glances, but mines the most shocked of all.
He's not knocking them off one by one, but keeping the ones he likes while pushing away the rest.
I feel Allissa on one side, her black skinned fingers stitching into my wrists.
Charleston, however, is burying her red up-do into my shoulder blades. Almost pushing me off the sofa.

"I'm sorry ladies, but if I don't call your name you will be leaving tomorrow morning."

The next moments are full of scared clenching girls, and quick whispers of prayers.

"Gemma Giles,"
A average height girl with oak colored hair, and gorgeous brown eyes.
She's sweet. Never got to talk to her, but she seems nice.

"Olivia Butera,"
She's fairly short with gorgeous long hair. She seems really intelligent until she speaks, and then the thought flies away.

"Willow Jennings,"
I've heard about her a couple of times. A star track athlete who won a national race. She's pretty, beautiful to be honest, but the way she smirks when her name is called is sickening.

"Arena Glass,"
She's a short girl with black hair. Usually wanders around the garden examining the plants and talking to the grounds keeper about the seeds and what weather is best to do what.

"Amelia Tyler,"
Her blonde hair pops up, along with her long legs, as she begins to talk excessively about how thankful she is...not the first time.

Five out of the nine girls. My adrenaline begins to run.

"Charleston Tonks,"
She stands up, not as happy as I imagined, but she shakes her shoulders broadly, curtsying to "Your Highness."

"Genevieve Khroker,"
This took me by surprise, as she spazzed out in her seat. Maybe it was just her or someone who was worse? Maybe that someone worse was me?
I push the thought away, as he continues...

"Piper Star,"
Something we clearly need to boost her ego. All she does is give a dramatic hair flip, and smirks to all of the girls that's not as lucky.

That's when the moment of truth comes.
Many for these girls are about to have tears soaking their shoulders.
Seconds begin to feel like minutes.
Minutes begin to feel like hours.
Hours turn into years, and eventually it feels like a century until he reveals my name.

"Delilah Primar."

Every girl, besides the Elite of course, collapse into tears and puddles of their own disappointments.


After controlling Allissa about her loss, everyone slowly began trudging back to their rooms to pack their things.

I however hovered in the shadows of the room, until Augustus stood lastly, obviously feeling bad about his rushed decision.

"Augustus," the lights that were clicked off minutes before made his look of dreariness ten times worse.

His body jumps backwards as I run forward into his arms.
The moment took me some thought, which I feared would end badly, but finally he embraced me back and that's when I knew the moment was right. Due to no matter besides the fact that I knew I was wrong for leading him on when I really had no idea how to flirt, our lips compassionately slammed together.
All of our stress and insecurities are broken with a hammer in the aggressive kiss, which is broken apart due to a lack of lung capacity.

In the moment of affection, I breath into the chest I once feared was compressed with many others,

"Delilah Primar from Atlin was never gone. Just hidden under all the foundations and frill."

Part 1 Over!
What do ya think?!
I won't be starting Part 2 for a couple of days, because I have to organize EVERYTHING!
Love y'all!
Leave me comments and sweet notes of inspiration!
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see ya in part 2!

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