Chapter 22

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Rebels bodies lay astray on the floors, along with dead Illéan soldiers.
All the other girls rush past me, clutching each other in tears, but I've rained enough today.

I step forward, my hair blowing from the open garden doors with my now wrinkled dress trudging behind me.

The first dead body I reach is the soldier who spared his life to tell me to run. His tag reads, "Officer Gregory" but his name means much more to me...a hero in disguise.

Another man, a rebel in fact, lays on the floor with his eyes glaring back at me. Out of sorrow, I gently close his eyes.

"Lady Delilah? May I ask what you doing?" asks King Everette, stepping over the piles of bodies, along with medical assistance who try to spare those who are just wounded.

I look up, "Paying my respects, your highness."

"Lovely, but you must go to your room." He informs me. I remain still.

"These men died for us, sir. These men died for you...Queen Hero, Prince Augustus, Princess Aria, and Princess Alexandrea- I believe the deserve at least a little attention."

He takes a breath of fresh air and steps back, "Then continue, but at least go get presentable before supper, dear." He turns on his heels and walks back up the stair case to join his wife.

"Lady Delilah?" I turn my head to see Officer Feldspar, my room officer.

He's laying on a stretcher that's being toted out of the room. Blood dripping from the cloth, creating stains along the floor.

"Can- Can you tell her..I love her?" He asks as I stand above him, the blood oozing out of his shoulder.
The nurse stops him so we can continue to speak.

"Now, Officer Feldspar, there's no need for that. Whoever your love is, will be waiting when you get better. Now calm down, and go get well soon...okay?"
His bruised and bloody face from combat just nods sternly as they tote him off towards the infirmary.

"Miss?" I turn my head to see a perfectly sane and very well alive soldier standing in front of me.

I curtsy at his acquaintance as he begins, "If you wouldn't me asking, where were you? We checked all the rooms..."

I nod back, "I was on my balcony."

"Well good thing you left when you did, it's under construction, but the selected's floor is far from pretty."

"Thanks for the warning...and are my maids okay?" He nods simply, "Their all fine."

"Okay, well thank you, sir." I curtsy as his big, black, broad figure nods, sending me off.

I wander up the stairs, past working assistance whose putting glass panes back in place. Along the walls in blood stretched the words,


Cushions from my bed are strewn across the room along with torn curtains and glass from the balcony doors. On the dresser, the picture of my mom and me is ripped, straight down the middle, separating us.

If dozens of dead men couldn't bring to tears, this did. I begin to hiccup madly as I look in the drawers for tape. "God, where the hell is some tape?" I slam the drawer shut, as tears begin to crawl down my face, while my body falls to the floor.

"Lady Delilah?" My head flies up to see Cornelia standing in the doorway.
"You need to call your family, to let them know everything's okay."

She places the phone on my desk, as I shove myself up.

Aunt Francine's number? Aunt Francine doesn't have a phone...
There's only one number I know and can call...

I put it in the little machine and place the phone to my ear as it begins to ring repetitively.

Then after two rings he answers,
"Delilah? Is it you?!"

Tears begin to soak my face all over, "Yes dad, it's me..."

"How are you? Are you okay? I heard there was a rebel attack, but I didn't know what happened-"

I scoff a laugh between sobs, "Yes, I'm fine dad. The only thing they got was my dignity, and they ripped the picture of me and mom..."

The line goes silent. Then he takes a huge breath, "No they didn't Delilah...they couldn't have."

"Well they did."
"A picture isn't that big of a deal. Do you remember her?"

I just simply nodded as if he could see me.

"Do you?"
"Yes sir."
"Then that's all you need."

I smile at his warming words, "Listen dad I got to go....I love you."

"I love you too." His voice is warm and comforting.


I hang up the phone and handed it back to Cornelia, with a sharp "Thanks."

I turn back, and wall back to my dresser staring at the two pieces of now worthless paper.

"Hello, Lady Delilah, do you need some tape?"

In comes Queen Hero, with a very playful Princess Alexandrea in her arms. I turn and wipe my tears quickly, before turning into a curtsy.

I look back at the paper, and then to the queen...
"You know what, Your Highness, I don't...I have her memory, and that's what matters."

She smiles a broad gorgeous smile,
"That's very strong of you, Delilah."

"Thanks, Your Highness." I say back, resting on the cushioned stool.

"Please, call me Hero. Your Highness is just so...stiffy. Plus, if your going to be here for a while, we must be able to get on a first name basis. Correct?"

My mouth in a gape I just shake my head quickly, "Correct!"

"It's nice speaking to you Delilah. Now I must go check and see if the other girls need to recollect sanity. Goodbye for now, Delilah."

I smile, probably one of the biggest smiles in a while, "Goodbye, Hero."
Everyone needs to go read Toribella99 story "The Chosen"!
Trust me, you will not be disappointed!
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