73: Forbidden Fruit

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“So how are you and the boyfriend?” Kale asked with a smug smile as he flopped down onto the bed next to me.

“Jakeson and I are doing quite wonderful, Thank you.” I responded. I tried not to notice how close he was but I couldn’t help it. All I would have had to do is scoot but two inches and we’d be touching. No. Don’t think about that. I scolded myself.

Kale lay silently beside me. Do something. I thought desperately. I didn’t want to be alone relaxing on my bed with Kale. I didn’t want to be alone with him in any circumstance that I’d start thinking about how his hands felt on me… Oh there I go again. I thought angrily. So I turned to look at him, trying to see what it was he was waiting for.

His eyes met mine and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. I never could. “Let’s go running. I’m bored.” he announced quickly pulling his body away from mine as though I’d just shocked him.

“Sure thing.” I agreed enthusiastically, glad to be away from him for a moment. I jumped up and ducked into the bathroom and changing into some running clothes. When I emerged from my bathroom Kale was waiting by my bed for me. As was now a habit I snatched up my phone and tossed it to him.

Kale put it into his pocket and I followed him down the stairs. “Who’s turn is it to choose?” he asked as we started to jog down the driveway.

“Yours.” I replied.

I fell back a little so I was behind him by a few strides. I followed Kale as he took turn after turn. Wonder where he’s going to pick.

We ran at a quick smooth pace for what seemed like forever before Kale looked back over his shoulder at me and jerked his head towards the tree line. Seriously? I followed him closely not wanting to get lost as we entered the trees. He didn’t seem to mind the closeness and I was glad he had no obnoxious comments to make about it.

For a few minutes we weaved through the trees, smiles on our faces as he pointed the direction we were going and we began to race there. We’d jump over branches in perfect unison, laughing as we had to weave through trees. As we broke into a clearing we both slowed our running to a stop. I looked over at Kale, setting my hands on my knees as I panted. He grinned back in the same position I was. “Look up.” he got out between pants.

I followed the motion of his nodding head and my breath caught in my throat. “Wow.” I finally breathed catching my breath as a smile came to Kale’s face. A huge cliff side towered into the air. It looked so random and out of place. The tall trees barely reaching the tiniest bit up the side. It reached straight up and into the sky. If I didn’t know it was impossible I would have sworn it went on forever.

“I used to come running out here all the time.” he explained, pleased at my expression. In a swift movement he grabbed my hand and pulled me onwards. I followed a step behind stumbling dumbly still awestruck at the towering Cliffside. “It’s where I broke my first bone trying to get to the top.” he said with a beaming smile to me as he came to a stop and wrapped his hands around my waist. Before I could protest he lifted me up by my waist and set me on top of a large rock.

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