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Hi guys ! I'm so sorry that I have to do a note here, but I have a little stupid and boring announcement to make.

I am going to a holiday vacation with my mum and sister this Christmas and I won't be back home until the 6th of January 2015. I go tomorrow so this might be the last chapter on this year :/ That wasn't what I planned, I was hoping that the story had been a little bit longer by now (That's why I published two chapters a day) But...

Anyways, I hope you all understand that I can't sit inside and write since it is a family vacation ( In Spain btw whoop ! ) and nobody knows that I even have a wattpad account. Actually, they don't know that I write... haha, well what I am trying to say is I am so sorry and I hope you won't be mad at me for not posting soon.

IF I don't post another chapter before Christmas and new years eve I wish you all merry Christmas and a happy new year !

I will be thinking of you from the beach ;))

Lots of love-

Me xxx

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