Chapter 11- Heard you got a boyfriend.

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" She's here , now let's go let's go ! " Paul yelled at the boys at the lobby. I found myself blushed because I seemed to be a little late. I fixed my jacket and followed Paul outside.

" In the car, C'mon guys" Paul said and moved his hands in circles. 

" Someone is a little late?" Niall teased as I sat down next to him. Niall, me then Liam and infront of us Harry, Louis and Zayn. Zayn looked at me with the corner of his eye and smirked.

" Fell asleep over a good movie last night so I forgot to set my alarm" I lied and smiled. Niall nodded his head and looked outside.

" These are the last concerts here right?" I asked.

" Yep, then Sweden I think, not sure" Liam answered. Alright. What a road trip.

We went to the same place where the concerts were thrown yesterday.

" Finally ! " Niall said when we saw a table full of food waiting for us.

" So, today is a big day. Tara , you'll finish your line, and boys, you are meeting the fans 2 hours before the concert so we have to practise well. No texting, no napping, no candy, and no fooling around. Alright?" Paul said before we could get something to eat.

" Yes Paul" Harry answered and grabbed a plate.

" I was first curly" Niall said and took Harry's plate and stepped infront of him.

" Ever heard the ladies first?" I asked and took the plate out of Niall's hands.

" Wait a minuet! "Niall looked shocked.

" Sorry, had to see your face, here you go" I said laughing and handed him the dish.

" We got that on camera right?" Zayn asked a guy that was holding a big camera. I didn't see him. Damn that felt uncomfortable.

The guy gave thumb up.

" Justice" Harry whispered to Niall who shook his head and got himself some eggs.

After filling the plates we sat down and started eating. Everyone seemed so hungry so the silence stayed for a while.

I felt Zayn's eyes looking at me , time at a time but I tried to ignore it. I wouldn't show him any attention unless we were alone. Then he could get it all.

" Hey, did anyone hear shouting at the hallway last night?" Liam suddenly asked.

Zayn took sip of his juice and I stuck a bacon into my mouth.

" I did, indeed" Louis said.

" Probably drunk people, wandering around their rooms...people just don't respect other people do they?" Harry said grown up shook his head.

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