Chapter 30- Little bit of difference.

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" What do you mean choose you?" He asked surprised. The tequila started kicking in but I tried to ignore it. Finally I had the strength to tell him how I really felt and somehow I didn't mind if it was because of the alcohol.

" Choose me...I love you" I suddenly heard how desperate I was and by the look on his face I was right. He let go of me and let his hands fall down.

" Tara why are you doing this to me? You know that I love you " He said, a little bit annoyed.

" And you said that you would take care of Perrie but she is still here" I said and my voice sounded whiny.

" I know, I'm working on it" He said and stroke his jaw line with his thumb.

" Are you? Really?" I couldn't help the sarcastic tone to come out of my mouth. Zayn looked at me with one eyebrow higher than the other.

" What is going on with you? Since when did you question about me and Perrie? You know that I don't love her" He said and turned around. He was obviously mad at me for rushing him suddenly. But at that moment I didn't care what he thought. He had made me wait for so long now, and last days I had to watch them together. Harry was right, I had enough.

" I know that I keep making you do things but remember when I broke up with Danny because I wanted you? You are making me look like a fool if you don't want to brake up with her" These words made Zayn turn around, but it wasn't really a good thing.

" You two were boyfriend and girlfriend Tara, Perrie and I are enganged, a little bit of difference there" He hissed at me before looking angry away. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

" Oh, so now you are engaged? When I believe that you love me and I really do want you , you are suddenly engaged so you can't leave her? After all the things you told me, I'm supposed to forget every single word because suddenly you want to be engaged?" I couldn't help but laugh as I felt the tears leak down my cheeks.

" I didn't mean it that way" He said and looked at me but he knew that I didn't want to listen.

" Well congratulations Zayn. After all you two do deserve each other" I said and walked passed him. He didn't try to grab my hand or anything. He just let me go like that.

I hurried inside and didn't stop until I was in sitting infront of Harry on the bathroom floor.

" He really said that?" Harry was surprised as ran his fingers through his hair.

" Yep" I said shortly. He chose, and he chose her.

" I just don't understand.." Harry said and shook his head. He looked at me and saw that I really didn't want to talk about him anymore.

" How's your aunt?" He asked.

" I haven't got to call her yet" I admitted. I felt guilt in my heart and by Harry's look I was supposed to.

" I thought that you wanted to get things straight with her?" He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up.

" I will call her, the first thing in the morning" I said and fixed my jeans by pulling them up. When I looked up I saw Harry's eyes stare directly into mine. He didn't look convinced.

" I promise Harry" I said and laughed. Atleast he made me laugh.

" Alright it is like way past midnight, go to sleep and I see you early in the morning. We figure things out with Zayn...maybe he was just tired" Harry mumbled but I kissed him on the cheek, just to thank him.

" Good night" I said and walked out of the bedroom and straight to mine where I could finally cry.

I woke up by the sound of the alarm in my phone. My eyes were stirr and red from the crying but I managed to take a shower , pack my things and hide the red line with white eyeliner.

" Tara you up?" I heard Niall's voice outside my door. I opened the door seeing that tired boy rub his eyes.

" Good morning" He said and smiled. " Ready to go? We are the last ones out"

I nodded my head and together we walked out with our stuff.

The bus was awful. Liam couldn't stop throwing up and Perrie was all over Zayn who somehow seemed to enjoy her presence. I stood up and got into one of the beds, trying to fall alseep but nothing seemed to work. It wasn't until Niall knocked on the door.

" Slide it" I said and he did. Before he could open his mouth I grabbed his arm and pulled him down so he fell down next to me.

" Yes please" I said like he had asked me if I wanted to cuddle and layed my head on his chest and wrapped my legs around his.

" Alright then" He answered after a minuet, obviously surprised. And just like that I fell asleep.

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