Chapter 53-Frozen

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I sat on the chair in my bedroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror that was surrounded with bright lightballs. I don't know for how long I had been sitting there. I took a shower and sat down, wrapped in towel and was about to brush my hair when I stopped and just...stared. Now my hair was half dried and my body was getting all dry. I had stopped feeling the cold drops run down my back and I felt numb.

I had not heard from Zayn in seven days. Nothing. I had gone to endless meetings with Modest and my lawyer but I was not allowed to see Zayn or any of the boys. It was a true battle and my lawyer told me that if I would announced my relationship with Zayn they could not only rip off my best costumers away from me but sue me for so many millions that I would not make it for another year. This was getting ridicilous. This was not supposed to happen. What kind of contract was this? How could just one night with a co-worker ruin my whole company?

It did not make any sense until Paul made me sit down for a tea with him and his crew few hours ago. Because of me the bands image had changed. They wanted things to go back to way it was. The worst part? They wanted Perrie into the picture. They knew that there was no particular reason for her leaving and they thought if Zayn and Perrie got couples therapy they could work it out.

It made no sense to me so I took a long hot shower, sat down and froze.

Zayn's P.O.V

I rested my hands beside the sink and avoided looking into the mirror. How could all of this be happening? How could Paul think this after I told him that I was in love with Tara?

"It is for your own good, both of you" Then he walked away.

I'm not stupid, but I know that things could possible work out. What if we just broke the contract with Richi Dúrier and Modest would skip suing for the other contract then everything would work out fine.

" Zayn she's making millions now because of you, if we cut the contract Modest will still sue and within a year Richi Dúrier will belong with the past" Liam tried to explain.

Damn it. I finally looked up. I hadn't heard from her in seven days and with each day I felt weaker. I didn't even get to kiss her goodbye. They just took me, put me into a limmo and made me stay on a hotel. There is no way to argue with someone like Paul that is just trying to protect your image from the public. I want to be grateful but I can't. I love her too much.

" Mr. Malik, Perrie Edwards is here to see you"

My stomach dropped as I heard my bodyguard knock on the bathroom door. There wasn't enough air for me in the hotel bathroom and I had to grab the counter so I wouldn't fall.

" Zayn?" I heard him again.

" I'll be out in a second" I answered back. I took a deep breath with my eyes closed before looking one last time in the mirror, seeing myself so unhappy. Dark bags under my eyes from worried nights and worrying about Tara. What she was doing, thinking, wanting.

I started walking out of the bathroom and I saw the back of Perrie looking outside the big window next to the bed.

" You got a lovely view" She said. I looked around to see that we were the only one in the room.

" What are you doing here" I made clear that she wasn't welcomed. She turned around and I couldn't help but feel a little pain when I saw black line leaking down her cheek, not a smirk on her lips. She was crying, and she looked like she had been doing it for a while.

" It was so embarrassing to cry infront of your bodyguard" She said and left out a little laugh as she dried the tear away but her smile disappeared quickly.

" Tell Paul what happened between us, or tell the public that we can't get married because we don't love each other anymore" I walked to the bar and poured myself an expensive whiskey in a crystal glass. Perrie took her coat off and laid it on the bed.

" How can I lie? " She said and walked to me. She took my glass and took a sip without breaking the eye contact. She handed me the glass again and licked her lower lip.

" You are not lying, you've never loved me and you never will"

Perrie's eyes got widen up like she was surprised that I would even say that. She know that I was only telling the truth but still she wanted to justify it.

" I came to give you this" She suddenly said and took a little box out of her pocket. She opened it and inside was our wedding rings.

" I talked to Paul and we are getting married 20th of May" She looked deeply into my eyes before kissing me on the cheek. Before pulling away she looked at me again.

" I really do love you, and this is my way to show you how hard I'm fighting for you"

I couldn't stand feeling her breath on my lips and her eyes looking at me like the way I used to look at her.

She let the box on the table, grabbed her jacket and left.

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