One night stand

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 Few days earlier.

I sat down on the bench next to a beautiful girl. She stared infront of her. Her eyes were filled up with tears when I dared to look at them. When I looked at them , there was no turning back. Her beauty got me all tensed up. I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted to know her name. 

" Are you alright?" I managed to spit out. She quikly looked at me, smiling a weak smile.

" Yeah sure, of course" She answered and looked away again.

" No you're  not" I said and she looked at me again. I would say anything so her eyes would look into mine forever.

" What?" She asked surprised.

" I know that you aren't alright...I can see it in your eyes" I almost whispered. She got speechless. She kept opening her mouth but always closed him.

" I'm Zayn..Zayn Malik" I said and offered her my hand. She took it and shook it.

" I'm Tara" She said and I smiled.

" Tara, what a beautiful name" I said and she blushed.

" I don't think so, really" She said and smiled. I laughed.

" Wanna tell me your  story?" I asked her. I knew she had something to get out of her chest.

" I'm not gonna bore you with my little drama" She said and giggled , but inside she was crying. 

" Everyone deserve to be heard" I said and smiled. She looked at me.

" Alright then.. I met a guy. We where at a mask ball and we were both in bad relationships so we decided that if in any case something would happen, we shouldn't switch names or anything like that. That night was the best night of my life. We ended up making love. I fell asleep in his strong arms. I felt so saved. When I woke up the morning after, he was gone. He left the mask on his side of the bed. He wrote in it : Don't look for me, it's better if we keep our distance."

Tara wiped a tear that got away.

"I don't know why but I miss him so much, like we were ment to be or here I am, looking like a fool, waiting if I see anyone that could possible be him" She said and wiped more tears.

" What would you say to him if he was here?" I asked her. She looked at me with her watered big beautiful green eyes.

" This was more than one night stand. I miss you" She said and looked away. I wanted to hug her, but it wasn't safe.

" Maybe one day, he'll find you " I said and stood up. " Don't live in the pass, there are plenty fishes in the sea, right?" I said but she looked down.

" Look, I'm sure he was protecting you, otherwise he wouldn't say all this" I said. She looked at me and nodded her head.

" It was nice meeting you Tara" I said before I turned around and put a scarf around my neck and a hat so no one would recognize me. She sure didn't, wich was the plan. I've been heartbroken just as much as her since that night.Every night I want to  hold her in my arms and make love to her like I did that night.I just had to see her one more time before I would let her go.I looked over my shoulder one last time. The love of my life was sitting there, missing me.

This was her for the best.

Who would want to date a celebrity like me?

One night stand-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now