Chapter 58- The wedding day

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Thanks for all the reads ! xx

Today is the day. 

The big Zerrie wedding that suddenly everybody knew about.  I spend the night in the golden room. Erica tried to get me home but I wanted to see the dress leave. 

" Can I get you anything Tara?"

I turned around in my office chair to see that Sophia just arrived. She was wearing her coat and red leather gloves. I forced a smile and shook my head.

" No thank you"

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped and walked away. It was nine O'clock and the ceremony was supposed to be around two. I just had to keep myself busy here if I was going to make the whole day without crashing. I started to dig up old costumers and files to start. It was all going good and I totally forgot about time until Sophia interrupted me.

" I'm busy" I responded as I closed a deal with IM5.  

" No Tara your lawyer called..." 

" Sophia I am really busy here do not interrupted" I looked at her. Usually she would back off a little scared and disappear behind the glass wall but now she walked to my desk and slammed her hand on it to make me notice her more.

" What the hell ! " I stood up quickly as I found the anger boil inside. 

" Pick up your stupid phone, line seven" She gave me a long look before turning around and walking out.

I didn't notice until I sat down that my jaw had dropped open by her attitude. I looked at the black phone. Line seven?

" This is Tara Richie" I said as I layed the phone to my ear.

" Tara this is Amanda... I found something ! " 

Zayn's P.O.V

" Niall where did you put my tie? This is not funny" 

" I swear it wasn't me"

" I'm not an idiot I see you laughing there" 

" Boys stop it already, we need to get on our marks soon it is 1:30" 

" Hi lad, how are you feeling?" 

I saw Louis stand behind me in the mirror. I stopped looking at him and took a good look at myself. Black suits, white shirt. Black shoes and 30 minuets spend on hair, still I felt like I was looking at a stranger.

I looked again in the mirror and saw Niall handing Liam his purple tie and Harry shaking his head, typing something in his phone. How was this happening?

'" Don't you love her at all?" Louis asked and lowered his voice to make sure that this was just between me and him.

I just had to look at him to give him the right answer. He looked down and shook his head sad. " I'm sorry" He mouthed before clapping me on the shoulders. Before he could let go I took his hand. I was scared. I was scared to death. I noticed Niall giving us an eye so I let go of Louis and sniffed up in my nose.

" Okey boys, it's show time" Perrie's assistant suddenly appeared in the door with headphones attached to her cheek and paper and a pen in her hands.

Everyone looked at me. I turned around and nodded my head, forcing a smile that was so painful that day. I surprised myself, how could I even smile?

" Harry darling, put away the phone for a minuet! The church is full of people already and there are two minuets until Perrie arrives" I heard her assistant hiss at Harry who put his phone into his pocket. I looked at him over my shoulder only to see him pick up his phone again as soon as she was done looking at him. He held it in his hand. What was so important?

I need to vomit. The shirt is too tight. What am I doing? What is happening? I stood infront of loads a people that I didn't even know and I felt like running. I heard the boys whisper behind me and that calmed me down a bit. Having them stand beside me, being my best men made my heart pound a little less.

I felt dizzy as the thoughts kept running through my mind just as quick as a camera flash. I stared at the door. Should I run now? Is there still time?

I had to stop thinking about the door when they got opened and Perrie stood at the other end of the church, holding her father's hand. Everybody rose up and gasped. She did look beautiful indeed but to me...I saw right through her.

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