Chapter 73- Shouting for love

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HOOOOOOOOLY I GOT MY WRITERS BLOCK FINALLY OUT OF MY SYSTEM. Well, it hasn't just been writers block but I'm guessing that you don't really want to hear the details of my personal life haha. 

Anyways what I'm saying, I discovered the hard way few days ago why I write. I love it, and I love you for reading my stuff.

Please leave a comment if you are in the mood, and if I can help or anything else you can always message me <3

Tara's P.O.V

I can't describe the feeling I had when I walked into Zayn's living room. There she was. She was literally sitting in his couch with a huge smirk on her face like she had been waiting for this moment forever. The only thing she needed was a camera, that's how much she looked like she wanted to keep this memory forever.

" What is going on?" I could barely speak up to this point but nobody was talking and I needed answers.

" Well we needed to talk anyway so ..... what's the problem?" Perrie stood up and stroke her shirt gently and looked quickly at Zayn.

" We were supposed to meet at your house at eight ! What the hell?" I found my heart pound painfully in my chest and my temper go up. 

" We decided to have dinner first, a little bit romantic though don't you think ? What where you thinking Zayn?" She left out a little laugh. I took a look around. The place had been filled with candles and white roses had been placed in every single vase. The table was even set up for two.

"What is all of this?" I didn't even hear my heart beating anymore. The numb feeling started spreading out and I looked at Zayn. He seemed shock as he had just heard what Perrie said.

" Have you gone mental Perrie?!" He almost shouted. Perrie and I, took a step back and everything went silent for a minuet. 

" Do you think that you can just storm in here without any permission, lie to my girlfriend that I made dinner plans with you, and before all of this put our friend to a hospital ?" His voice was higher then before and I could see Perrie back more. I've never seen her so uncomfortable in her life.

" Seriously what do you think you are doing !" He yelled. Without knowing I ran to him and grabbed his hand.

" Zayn, that's enough" As much as I wanted to yell at her myself and tear her world apart , I felt a little bit bad for her. Love can make you go crazy, and in Perrie's case she had gone mental. I thought Zayn would calm down after he had stopped and taking few deep breaths. But I was wrong.

" You had me Perrie ! Every single fucking time you had me ! When you ignored me, when you cheated on me on tour, even when you said you loved me when you didn't. I believed every single lie. I thought that I had fallen in love with this amazing girl but it turned out that when you wanted to be yourself I couldn't love you. There was no love, and has never been after I finally got out of this roller coaster ! So if you do actually love me now...." 

The tension was so much in the room that I felt that if I would move I would get an electric shock. I wasn't sure what he was about to say. Was he going to give her another shot?

Perrie had her mouth open like she was preparing to smile with her teeth. The hope in her eyes made me sick to my stomach. 

Zayn looked down and shook his head.

" I'm trying to feel guilty about this but I can't" Without looking up he talked to her with a calm voice.

" Huh? " Perrie's face changed within a second. She took few steps forward but stopped when Zayn looked up. He reached for my hand. I met his eyes. How their beauty never failed me.

" You managed to ruin so many things for me Perrie, even this night that was supposed to be perfect. But, I can't let you ruin what I have now. I would never want to breath again if what I have infront of me would run away"

It was like the whole world stopped. Never in my life, ever, have I felt my whole body warm up so quickly. I wanted to cry, because I was suddenly happy. Perrie didn't say anything. She picked up her pink coat and left the building. Just like that.

" I can never make it up to you, for going through all of this for me. I am so sorry. But at the same time a little part of me is not. I have been a very closed person all of my life and to make it worse I've been treated like shit. It makes me sad that I needed to see that I was worth fighting for and I was sure that I had lost you because of my selfishness" Zayn stopped.

He reached for something in the pocket of his jacket and got on one knee. My lungs were filled with air and I let go of his hand to put it over my mouth. As he looked at me he opened the box and the most beautiful ring I've ever seen was waiting for a finger to be put on.

" I saw you fight. I saw you fight and I couldn't believe that a person that I was so deeply, madly in love with would actually stand up for me and want me just as much as I wanted them. Tara I have known this for such a long time" He stopped to laugh like he wasn't believing what he was about to say.

" The minuet I lifted your mask, I just knew that I had to have you. I wanted to love you and take care of you. First I didn't know what I had to do and I made you walk through hell but you walked through it for me. I love you. Always will, always have. Tara, would you do  the honor and marry me?" 

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